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Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j6n3js9 wrote

There is a lot to unpack here outside of the illegal possession which CT law still didn’t prevent (go figure 🤦‍♂️). Multiple brutal beatdowns without notification to the parents and only now was the kid expelled? What?


Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6n8963 wrote

The only thing I can think is that maybe because the assault mentioned in article took place off school property (not sure where others/if others took place), they basically wipe their hands clean of it even if school admin knows?


_xXmyusernameXx_ t1_j6odxe4 wrote

Which is bullshit cause when I was in hs (early 00's) I got suspended for fighting outside of school.


Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6oiyhz wrote

I don’t even know if what I said is exactly what’s going on, but that’s just my guess. I had a friend in HS in mid 00s that had the same thing happen to him as you, so maybe the rules were changed.

You would think though that someone who committed a “serious assault” per the article two days before his incident probably shouldn’t be in school for at least a few days.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j6n88gr wrote

It’s almost as if it’s a prevalence of guns and the borderline fetishization culture surrounding them that’s the issue

But as we all know, logic dictates we should just either ban them or smugly talk about how the news reports got a minuscule detail about the gun wrong instead of addressing the actual problems


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j6nb7rh wrote

Oh gawd this guy! 🤔 What is up with you and this “fetish” nonsense?


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j6nbyvp wrote

Accurately describing the reactions and behavior of both sides of the gun debate is nonsense?

Edit: Decided to see which side you fell on and instead found this lol not even 3 days ago. I’ll accept your apology and you can go edit the “nonsense” part out of your comment now

You cannot make this kind of stuff up lol and you had the audacity to downvote me


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j6ndg1n wrote

Then clarify. What do you mean by fetishization?

Edit: How does my asking if it has a tag or making a joke qualify as fetishization of the culture? Don’t try to take it out of context, nothing that was posted is actually sexual in nature. You’re reaching hence the downvote.

Edit 2: and buddy, I didn’t even downvote you.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j6nuzt8 wrote

Ah ok my bad, I didn’t realize that comparing a gun collection to porn or making sexual jokes about guns isn’t actually sexual and is out of context. You’ll have to forgive my reaching, sometimes I just see such basic logic and can’t help but reach for it you know?

Jokes aside, the culture surrounding guns is not healthy. Am I being a bit hyperbolic when I say it’s almost a fetish? Sort of, sure.

But we can just look at his post, it’s comments and reactions to prove me right. I show up, stating facts about BOTH sides of the gun debate, and only receive downvotes and lies about people’s behavior despite providing undeniable proof of said behavior? Do you think that’s healthy?

Let’s look at the other comments. A bunch of the usual gun debate suspects in this sub, and not a SINGLE one of them is saying that this is a problem. What are they doing? Going after the one turbo anti gun guy who deleted their comment. Do you think this is healthy?

Silence is an omission of guilt. There IS a gun problem. A ban won’t work, so attacking the culture surrounding guns or lowering the amount in circulation are the next two most logical solutions.

And last but not least, the post you commented on is literally comparing guns to porn and you comment in the second link could not be anything except sexual. Please do not lie when you’re anonymous online, it’s pointless. Have some self respect


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j6o4kwu wrote

Jeebus cripes that’s a “dick bangin prostitutes” ton to unpack here (I said “cripes” lest you think that I’m fetishizing religion too with this joke). /s

“Ah ok my bad, I didn’t realize that comparing a gun collection to porn or making sexual jokes about guns isn’t actually sexual and is out of context. You’ll have to forgive my reaching, sometimes I just see such basic logic and can’t help but reach for it you know?”

So basic logic is any joke, pun, limerick relating to sex and guns = fetishized ewww. Got it. Orrrrr you don’t agree with the culture so you find any way you can to stigmatize it.

“Jokes aside, the culture surrounding guns is not healthy.”

Yes because cultivating physical fitness, a proactive mindset about deadly threat prevention and response, as well as being mindful of your capabilities, is unhealthy. /s Yeah, I’m getting the feeling that you can’t use your own basic logic to differentiate between gun culture and criminal activity.

“But we can just look at his post, it’s comments and reactions to prove me right. I show up, stating facts about BOTH sides of the gun debate, and only receive downvotes and lies about people’s behavior despite providing undeniable proof of said behavior? Do you think that’s healthy?”

This is reddit, stop getting hung up on the downvote thing. People can disagree with your opinions. If you care that much, kinda says more about the health of your mentality, buddy.

“Let’s look at the other comments. A bunch of the usual gun debate suspects in this sub, and not a SINGLE one of them is saying that this is a problem. What are they doing? Going after the one turbo anti gun guy who deleted their comment. Do you think this is healthy?”

What the hell are you talking about? You do the exact same thing. Hell, you wrote me multiple paragraphs in response.

“Silence is an omission of guilt. There IS a gun problem. A ban won’t work, so attacking the culture surrounding guns or lowering the amount in circulation…”

I’m gonna stop you right there. Lowering the amount of guns isn’t gonna stop people from being violent assholes or irresponsible/ignorant individuals. We have tons of government programs here and yet I don’t see any officials proposing use of funds for proper secure and quick access gun safes or incentives to gun safety courses. You want to keep guns out of the wrong hands, start there.

“And last but not least, the post you commented on is literally comparing guns to porn and you comment in the second link could not be anything except sexual. Please do not lie when you’re anonymous online, it’s pointless. Have some self respect”

That doesn’t equal a fetish or fetishization. It’s a joke not actual porn. Unless you were aroused by it somehow, in which case, you do you. 🤷‍♂️.


_343_Guilty_Spark__ t1_j6oj3x4 wrote

Do you or do you not see any issues with the culture surrounding guns


Soggy_Affect6063 t1_j6ou4uy wrote

Depends. In what context are you talking about? Because if you just sit there and generalize the whole community based on a joke or based on a criminal event, you aren’t looking at the entire picture. You throw the word culture around relating to the gun community but you clearly dismiss the vast majority within the community constantly preaching gun safety, shoot responsibly, secure their firearms properly, and try to educate those who don’t know what the “culture” is all about. It’s not even a culture. It’s in essence your right to self preservation. To answer your question, I see the ignorance surrounding what non-gun owners view as gun culture, as the problem. I see the lack of focus on the sequence of events that lead up to the criminal act mainly what the motive was, as a problem. And I see the constant emotional restrict access, reclassify, and ban it mentality that the other side keeps pushing as another problem.


TreeEleben t1_j6o0vns wrote

No charge for the magazine? Georgia doesn't have a 10 round limit, and I doubt this kid obtained a legal 10 round mag here.


HRzNightmare t1_j6ondj0 wrote

The standard magazine on a Glock 26 is only 10 rounds, so it's not sus that it didn't have a hicap charge.


WeLovePot420 t1_j6njf2v wrote

Typical wannabe gangbanger. I know Manchester kids.


[deleted] t1_j6mxdx0 wrote



Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6n3c36 wrote

What the hell are you talking about?

Article clearly says the gun this kid had was stolen from state of GA during the summer.

I understand you have a narrative you push on here all the time but at least do the minimum and skim the article first.


DarkLamont t1_j6n6bzt wrote

Mao is literally brain dead lol


AGK47_Returns t1_j6n9ppv wrote

Not gonna lie his brain is working well for a dude who fell off in 1976


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6nb4la wrote

That was a different guy, although we might be inclined to handle the landlord problem in a similar fashion.


Smith-WessonPat t1_j6n5rxh wrote

Mao is an anti-gun clown. Don't try to make sense of his comments.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6nb8el wrote

No, I just misread the article this time. I appreciate you checking in though, you absolute unread simpleton.


Smith-WessonPat t1_j6nd5f0 wrote

"You absolute unread simpleton" - The friggin guy who just misread an article and ranted about what he thought he read


Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6ni6u5 wrote

Thanks for pointing this out so eloquently, I needed a good laugh today. 😆


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6nq9r4 wrote

Okay great, call me when you can finish a book and you can talk shit about missing one line in a news article right below an ad.

I'm talking about the rest of the shit you'd need to read just to sound less stupid when you make a rare attempt to post something substantive. ✅


Smith-WessonPat t1_j6nqond wrote

The things you say to me are ineffective because you literally have no way to know how much I read. I saw you misread and rant, though.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6nt2r6 wrote

Literally no way except your writing and reasoning.


Smith-WessonPat t1_j6nv6m1 wrote



AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6o3jn4 wrote

Don't know why you'd stop lying to yourself now.


Smith-WessonPat t1_j6o3t6a wrote

Honest question; how old are you? You argue on the internet like a 14 year old.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6o9rej wrote

Yeah, you spend a lot of time online with 14-year-olds?


Smith-WessonPat t1_j6oaotg wrote

OK, I will continue to be confident in my assumption about you.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j6ofu4c wrote

Confidence in something you know you don't know enough about and that you're wrong about, pretty much right on brand for you.


wongkerz t1_j6n9eyf wrote

Smdh. I hate Manchester so much.


[deleted] t1_j6nnmc1 wrote



Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6o1nbn wrote

That the kid was caught before something really bad happened, and based on their prior history from literally 3 days ago, was likely to happen? Humans should love that. Not everything has to be a political grandstand.


[deleted] t1_j6o2xwm wrote



Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6o3qyf wrote

Yep republicans definitely love the fact that this 16 year old kid with a history of violently assaulting people had a stolen and loaded gun on school property that he couldn’t have owned legally regardless because he’s 5 years under the age to legally purchase a handgun. If youre going to be ridiculous enough to insinuate that all republicans love guns, than at least have a shred of intellectual integrity to include the “legally owned/law abiding” part.

There are just so many better ways you could spend your time than being this purposefully obtuse.


[deleted] t1_j6o7afj wrote



zgrizz t1_j6ojha3 wrote

Republicans and the NRA promote safe legal and secure gun ownership and handling.

Which one of those legal and constitutionally protected things are you having trouble understanding?

Nobody supports illegal gun ownership or violent use. Nobody.