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Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6o1nbn wrote

That the kid was caught before something really bad happened, and based on their prior history from literally 3 days ago, was likely to happen? Humans should love that. Not everything has to be a political grandstand.


[deleted] t1_j6o2xwm wrote



Kolzig33189 OP t1_j6o3qyf wrote

Yep republicans definitely love the fact that this 16 year old kid with a history of violently assaulting people had a stolen and loaded gun on school property that he couldn’t have owned legally regardless because he’s 5 years under the age to legally purchase a handgun. If youre going to be ridiculous enough to insinuate that all republicans love guns, than at least have a shred of intellectual integrity to include the “legally owned/law abiding” part.

There are just so many better ways you could spend your time than being this purposefully obtuse.


[deleted] t1_j6o7afj wrote



zgrizz t1_j6ojha3 wrote

Republicans and the NRA promote safe legal and secure gun ownership and handling.

Which one of those legal and constitutionally protected things are you having trouble understanding?

Nobody supports illegal gun ownership or violent use. Nobody.