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daybeers t1_j21x5u2 wrote

yeah it's really bad this year. r/fuckcars


dkdaniel t1_j22h86p wrote

We've been averaging 1-2 people killed per week in our small state.


onthelockdown t1_j22kvnq wrote

Yesterday a pedestrian died in Killingly as well. It’s definitely increasing.


rabidpirate t1_j230yf9 wrote

Man, people really gotta stop walking in the street.


lizardpartytime t1_j23kxnp wrote

For real, these losers should stop walking in the middle of traffic


Jawaka99 t1_j23rob8 wrote

Its both distracted drivers AND distracted pedestrians.


Shellsbells821 t1_j23uu0j wrote

It was a very dark area. Absolutely no lights. Not far from the EHPD. I was just telling my husband about this.

People need to slow down. Get off phones and just drive and pay attention. There's an elderly gentleman that usually walks his black and white pit bull over there. I hope it wasn't him.


-BruinsBabe- t1_j23zlmk wrote

They literally said one of the more recent victims, was wearing dark clothing and not crossing in a crosswalk and the driver remained on scene.

There is some responsibility on a pedestrian to cross safely. A pedestrian can see a car. A car can’t always see a pedestrian until it’s too late, in some cases.

To me, it doesn’t seem to be a coincidence that we’ve had an increase after they updated the law. I think a lot of people may interpret it as, they can legally cross anywhere, on any street. That’s not how it’s written.


MeromicticLake t1_j242tof wrote

Yes! Too many people forget this. I work in New Haven and have lost count of the amount of people that won't wait for a cross walk just run in front of me while I have a green light. Wtf!!


-BruinsBabe- t1_j243cmo wrote

It’s reality. As you’ve pointed out, the person in the car will survive. The pedestrian will be injured or killed. If the pedestrian is in a crosswalk, controlled or otherwise, at an intersection, crossing at an area controlled by an officer/crossing guard etc. and is following all the protocol and a car comes through and hits them. That’s 100% on the driver. The pedestrian did everything right.

If someone is crossing illegally, and at night nonetheless, that risk is 100% on the pedestrian. They are deciding to chance running/walking across a street. Yes, a driver should stop. Yes, a driver should be aware of their surroundings. The fact that you dismiss a pedestrian’s responsibility to also be aware of their surroundings, to know where and when to cross, is disturbing.

You advocate to teach people to just walk into a road and if they get killed, that’s the driver’s fault? There’s no pedestrian safety or responsibility? I wonder where: “look both ways before you cross.” came from. Surely, we don’t need to do that because a car will stop.


ctusa73 t1_j24474w wrote

Why not? cops got a good union why would they rein in reckless driving sounds like work


Quinny_015 t1_j24ijno wrote

Agreed. People go straight into the crosswalk looking down at their phones, don't even bother to look both ways, or dont care that there is a green light. Cant just blame it all on the cars.


thehopefulsquid t1_j24n8sz wrote

Yes it's a big problem and I wish we weren't so car centric but when I am walking I always try to have reflective gear and a headlamp. Absolutely not blaming any pedestrian hit but I semi frequently see pedestrians walking on very dark roads wearing dark clothes and they are hard to see until you are close and it is very scary as a driver.


Jenaxu t1_j24z7qv wrote

It's also just a fundamental infrastructure problem. Even slowing down and being hyper vigilant only does so much when there's not even a sidewalk for pedestrians to walk on. It's a 40 mph one lane road through a residential area where pedestrians are forced onto the shoulder. And it's not even particularly rural or empty or anything; if you make roads like that it's going to kill someone sooner or later.

And a lot of people will say just don't walk, but like god forbid someone wants the luxury of being able to walk outside of the place they live without getting run over.


eloquentgiraffe t1_j252mbd wrote

it’s getting worse everywhere partly because cars a taller. Instead of rolling over the hood of a sedan, your entire body is impacted by the flat front of a pickup, leaving nowhere for the energy to deflect.


marxianthings t1_j25bhn7 wrote

Guys, stop saying “drivers need to slow down and get off their phones!” Yes they do but this larger trend of pedestrian deaths is a systemic issue that requires political action.

We need:

Narrower roads that slow down traffic and are easier to cross.

Separate bike lanes that protect riders.

More usable sidewalks and better lighting.

More walkable and denser developments that encourage walking. More people around means drivers are more cautious.

More stringent regulations on car design! SUVs and trucks are bad for pedestrians. Cars need to be smaller, slower, and less deadly.

Better public transit so there are less cars on the road.

Get involved in your local political organizations. This will not be solved by scolding drivers or more policing and fines.


shhhshaunna t1_j25z7si wrote

We need to work on becoming a more walkable state. More sidewalks now!!!