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Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j299gku wrote

Lol, when will the absurdity end? Arguing about stuff people can’t even define. How about we all just identify as human beings with all the complexity that entails and move on.


CTrandomdude t1_j2a8vwn wrote

So you want schools to waste their time to deal with a one in a million comment in a middle school? Good grief. If you were truly offended by the comment from a child you need therapy.


bunkerbash t1_j2cm1cu wrote

I’m starting to suspect she’s a troll and takes these absurd stances in order to draw more ire against the ‘extreme liberal left’. I suspect next she’ll be demanding litter boxes in every public restroom or something. Or she’s just completely off her rocker.


General_Awareness510 t1_j2ascb4 wrote

Lbtq in the US is at 7.1 percent which I'm sure is an inflated number ... that's really low.


Reefer_Chiefer1024 t1_j2ab78r wrote

Pretty sure this is the same person who hasn’t let her children out of the house for years due to Covid fears.


bunkerbash t1_j2clslw wrote

You are correct. Mental Illness is a hell of a drug I guess.


coolducklingcool t1_j29h9ai wrote

I think a student identifying themselves using a very specific term that is used in the indigenous community is very uncommon and can be dealt with on a case by case basis.


douche_mongrel t1_j294qin wrote

How do you know they don’t have indigenous heritage themself? Plenty of “white” people with Native American heritage


PettyWitch t1_j2956fg wrote

If they do it’s okay and they are allowed to be that gender, but I think it’s important to raise awareness so kids realize how harmful it is to claim to be a gender that does not belong to their race or ethnicity.


[deleted] OP t1_j298zcz wrote



mischavus618 t1_j2de59k wrote

Holy shit! I was just going to comment and ask the same question!

We went from gender to heritage in a split second and some how intertwined them.

Why don’t you start educating me since I’m 52 and have no idea WTF your point is or how the 2 relate? Sure I could look in up but something tells me this will be much more entertaining.



SadAd9756 t1_j29egy9 wrote

There are ONLY 2 genders; male/female, change my mind and the rest of the normal world. So ridiculous with this ucking nonsense already. School is supposed to teach children how to survive as adults, you know, math/science/history/economics/reading/writing, etc.....everything else is learned at home and out in society!!!


Pruedrive t1_j29hznj wrote

With hot takes like this, I don't know how we could possibly think only socializing children in the insular settings of thier homes is, or would be a good thing!

Schools are, and have always been about teaching more than the basics.. in fact, it's safe to say it's virtually impossible to remove social development from schools. Also you say we should be teaching them how to survive as adults.. ok, they are going to come across transgender and other LGBTQA folks in thier lives, some of them may infact be trans themselves, wouldn't a means of survival, especially for the later catagory, be a healthy and rational understanding of others and their own identities?


[deleted] OP t1_j29ex8e wrote



Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j29qv08 wrote

Gender has historically meant male or female biologically. It’s morphed recently to mean something else but o really can’t put my finger on what it means these days. It’s unfair to expect the whole world to immediately adopt a new and controversial nomenclature. I think most are happy to let people live their lives however they like but don’t see a need to try and pretend biology doesn’t play a critical role in determining gender.


[deleted] OP t1_j2a2852 wrote



Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j2a2tx9 wrote

So wait. Is gender about sex characteristics or not? This is why this debate is pointless. You’ll just move the goalposts and won’t engage constructively. Gender has until very very recently meant biological sex. There’s generally two but other possibilities exist in nature none of which has anything to do with a two spirit gender. I’m fine with using gender as a social construct as long as we have words to distinguish biological sex.


digitalpretzel t1_j2dl3jt wrote

>Gender has until very very recently meant biological sex.

Before 1610, It was generally accepted that the earth was the center of the universe. You could fill a library with all the things we have believed to be true only to be proven wrong as science and knowledge progresses.


[deleted] OP t1_j2a3q0b wrote



Whole_Ferret1724 t1_j2abdwn wrote

Biological sex for humans is binary absent genetic defect. So if we’re using the traditional meaning of gender, there are two. Everything else is just trying to create new labels to pigeonhole every individual variation and is pointless. If we’re agreed on the first point you can see why there isn’t really anything to be arguing about.


thesbaine t1_j29dco6 wrote

>Two-spirit gender is a term used specifically by indigenous communities
and for a person who is not indigenous to use that term can be really
offensive, as it is deeply rooted in culture.

So deeply rooted that it was coined in 1990 to replace the (admittedly offensive) word berdache, which itself was coined by western anthropologists to identify indigenous folks that fell into non-gender conforming roles and who may have been LGBT+. Then, going beyond that, it's a term used to refer to men who, for example, like to cook (a traditionally female role).

So I get it. Folks wanted to throw out the old awful and replace it with new and less bad (although there are folks in the indigenous communities that are unhappy with the term, similar to when latinx was invented). I also get the burning desire to toss aside western cultural ideas as, let's be real, the cultural genocide happening against indigenous folks is a bad time.

That said a lot of this concept feels really really gross. Why do do folks need a term for men that like to cook or women that like to hunt? Why are we still harping on people who do "gender non-conforming" tasks?

Your answer to "why isn't this taught in schools" is, frankly, it's a really community-specific topic. US schools, regionally, teach what needs to be know. Something this culturally specific is way, way under the radar considering all of the other really important stuff that needs to be taught about the indigenous peoples of the US.


milton1775 t1_j297b3k wrote

Arbitrary identity is arbitrary.


Perualex t1_j2bhy5h wrote

This is something I have never understood when I moved to the US. Just let people be themselves, your heritage, sexuality, nationality,or race doesn’t define anything about you.


Pruedrive t1_j295vtv wrote

This makes me have a ton of questions..

What would you call that person with others in your first nations community? Also how sure are you of thier heratage? Also if they are being respectful of both the cultural significance and meaning of the term, what harm are they causing by adopting the term?


62SlabSide t1_j2akyhu wrote

OP’s username checks out.


bladerunner_203 t1_j2drosn wrote

Talk about a disgrace of a post 🤦🏻‍♂️


kesagatame-and-Chill t1_j29boas wrote

Or, let's just let trained educators educate.

If you are truly concerned, go to board meetings and bring this up during public comment. Maybe even run for school board. One thing not to do, is use social media to drive your loose idea into everyone's head.


[deleted] OP t1_j298u9d wrote



bent_peepee t1_j2dmrt2 wrote

how about we use that time to instead have our kids able to perform grade-level appropriate math first?