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igetmoneyyuhuurd t1_j1mgp0i wrote

At this point it should be mandatory to install speed cameras and red light cameras


chyno_11 t1_j1mha5y wrote

Statistically they cause more accidents.


860glass t1_j1mqx22 wrote

Cause or are placed in high risk zones where the presence of a camera more or less guarantees there will be a record of any incident?


Rich_Voice4482 t1_j1t1bk8 wrote

Speed cameras do not. You are thinking of red light cameras, but it is really a wash. There are less right-angle crashes “t-bones” but more rear-end collisions because people tend to stop shorter.

Either way traffic enforcement cameras definitively save lives. There have been numerous studies.


Rich_Voice4482 t1_j1t1kdn wrote

If we want to save lives, this is a good, cheap option to do so but incredibly unpopular as you are finding out.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_j1mn834 wrote

You’re going to get downvoted by a bunch of MuH fReEdOm (to break traffic laws that inconvenience me) folks but you’re right
