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GOOFCON_1 t1_j1mfzzz wrote

West Hartford are you ok?

There have been 15 pedestrian collisions in 2022 alone, 3 of which were fatal.


MonkeysDaddy2012 OP t1_j1mgr9c wrote

Something wilds going on here. I assume it’s people looking at their phones because almost every car I see on the roads has a driver doing it. I catch myself doing it. I hate it. I’m done though. Never again.


wydellasaurus t1_j1nx999 wrote

It’s also the road design. Build it for high speeds, and that’s what you’ll get.


B6304T4 t1_j1o5thd wrote

My SO used to live there after college and we both cannot stand the ebb and flow of the town. It's a wildly dense cluster of neighborhoods with city traffic and lights at each corner. People try and bypass traffic by cutting through smaller neighborhoods and RIP through sidestreets. Honestly the town has gone to hell in the past 10 or so years. I avoid it at all costs now. Unfortunate, because it has alot to offer.


blumpkinmania t1_j1mhbdn wrote

People also insist on walking in the road and not using sidewalks.


1984isnowpleb t1_j1mmq2v wrote

In the little town my mom lives in they built a side walk all the way through town for this one woman in a motorized wheel chair. She still drives in the road. Wild she hasn’t been hit yet.


blondeambition39 t1_j1mvx9a wrote

I think I know what town you’re talking about… 🧐


1984isnowpleb t1_j1n1vkb wrote

Haha is it Christmas town itself ?


blondeambition39 t1_j1n6es9 wrote

I believe that’s the one — I heard the same story and that’s too specific to have happened in more than one place!


dkdaniel t1_j1n1k65 wrote

Of the three pedestrians killed in west Hartford this year, one was on a sidewalk, one was in a crosswalk, and the third was in the roadway at work directing a vehicle out of a driveway.


catman1900 t1_j1nmyoy wrote

Mfs always seeking ways to blame the pedestrian instead of the person driving the multiton machine


blumpkinmania t1_j1o1x9f wrote

Here’s the jackass who insists on walking in the road.


mywittynamewastaken t1_j1o6nun wrote

The streets are for the people.


blumpkinmania t1_j1oax6v wrote

I like that. But unfortunately too many drivers don’t pay attention and you don’t want to be on the wrong end of a Buick while walking the dog.


TreeEleben t1_j1mye8z wrote

They claim that the concrete sidewalk is too hard, and that the asphalt roads are softer and better to walk on.


charons-voyage t1_j1n20x3 wrote

As a runner, this is true. Asphalt is also smoother than many concrete sidewalks, less deviations/blips/etc. sidewalks are also frequently blocked by parked cars, trash bins, etc. I will run on the sidewalk if it’s on a busy road and it’s safe for me to be on the sidewalk, but I usually just run in the road.


Perma_frosting t1_j1nl7zq wrote

What makes West Hartford miserable to drive in for me is the combination of through-traffic with people pulling in and out of the roadside parking spaces, and then pedestrians coming out from between the cars. There is too much going on.


nycemt83 t1_j1oenfh wrote

Not only that, one of those fatal pedestrian struck incidents was earlier this week.


clonesareus t1_j1qtcx1 wrote

It was actually two of them, plus a third that resulted in very serious injuries.