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AdHistorical7107 t1_iv7l4bf wrote

Do share what it actually looks like....

I'm curious because the lobster rolls in naragansett actually looked like you got the money's worth...


CTisCool t1_iv80h1k wrote

Yes! Someone needs to go and get one ☝️ for science!


Testarossa2013 t1_iv85zfe wrote

I used to work in the bakery at the Norwalk Stews. I must warn you all, do not get any of the bagels. They cut corners with health standards.

They recycle the corn meal for the bagels and overtime it gets moldy. Their solution is to put more corn meal on top of it.


tequilamockingbird37 t1_iv8r0lf wrote

When it's stews you get celebrated for honesty. When you tell people the chicken at subway isn't real chicken out come the pitchforks


ertebolle t1_iv8uaom wrote

I can totally believe this, pretty much every Stew’s baked good seems to get moldy after like 3 days.


krugo t1_ivbeklp wrote

The bagels are also flat out not great. Very bready.


IndicationOver t1_iv7gl62 wrote

No way it is going to look as loaded as the roll in the picture @ $14.99.


bramletabercrombe t1_iv83vu5 wrote

I've had Stew's lobster rolls. They cover the top with dried overcooked mealy claw meat to make it seem like it's filled with chunks of lobster meat then you find everything underneath is the stuff they scrape from the shells. Pretty weak.


krispzz t1_iv7tdsk wrote

that lobster must be propped up on 6 ounces of lettuce to be that full on a 14.99 roll. but stews can afford some loss leaders too so maybe its a good deal.


wingmasterjon t1_iv8ipkc wrote

It's likely salvaged from dead lobsters that didn't survive delivery or died in the tank and they had to recover some costs.


notbad2u t1_iv8qcu7 wrote

It could be on a tiny bun the size of your pinky.


tbp273 t1_iv7qzur wrote

Generally they give you about a quarter or maybe on a really generous day a half of what is pictured…


mdfromct t1_iv7nwln wrote

Oh I bet they’re delicious!!!! Stew’s is great. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the same as the picture. Lobster prices went down but restaurants haven’t adjusted their prices.


Chaos_Ice t1_iv7rnif wrote

I’d stand there like “hmm more, more, add a little more” I love me some buttered rolls


Vespaeelio t1_iv7s57c wrote

Live in Boston, I Miss Stews!


-whitemonkey- t1_iv7vt60 wrote

Lobster rolls are a gimmick and were devised to steal money from tourists.


dumbthrow33 t1_iv8lt49 wrote

Why do you hate life so much 🤣


-whitemonkey- t1_iv9z809 wrote

I don’t hate life. I’m from Maine and have eaten lobster my whole life.

There are so many other great ways to eat lobster, ways that aren’t as pricey and taste much better than lobster rolls do.

It’s a rip off. They should be serving it at half the price. Most of the time the lobster they’re serving isn’t even fresh.

Im just trying to point out the truth so people get better value.


WhittlingDan t1_ivb95ud wrote

The fresh part is true. When old lobsters are slow and dying they rip the arms and legs off while alive and freeze it. You can't use the meat after it died on its own. Rules/laws are strict.


MuffinMobile643 t1_iv9h3rw wrote

I tend to agree with this. Lobsters should be eaten right out of the pot with a bib.


mynameisnotshamus t1_iv9qo54 wrote

People who wear bibs don’t know what their doing when it comes to eating a lobster. Rookie move.


notbad2u t1_iv8pk65 wrote

Lobster has a bland taste and texture. We'll call it delicate. Heck let's call it a delicacy. Let's put it on white bread and charge even more for it!


WhittlingDan t1_ivb8u2i wrote

Well that's kinda the idea for all foods that we do more with, that and taste and variety. Like Chicken Salad or chicken nuggets even, make something new and make more money.

I'm more annoyed by advertising like this getting pushed through this subreddit.

How many headlines and posts can we write as marketing and post here. I can post about the weather and milkshakes and loving lobster rolls without taking the photo and tying it to a business.


bignotion t1_iv9aia1 wrote

Even though there are no lobsters left in Connecticut waters?


nofishontuesday2 t1_iv9nys1 wrote

Sure beats the $40 ones at Sono Seafood in Norwalk.

Yes, $40. You read that right


knightrobot t1_iva2i5s wrote

Knot Norms in South / East Norwalk. Expensive but worth it.


nofishontuesday2 t1_ivcq64u wrote

I always pass it going to get oysters at Norm Blooms. I’ll have to try it sometime


notbad2u t1_iv8q68n wrote

They think made fresh to order is special enough to write. Not like those Cumberland Farms lobster rolls?!

disclaimer, those don't exist thank God


ertebolle t1_iv8uiux wrote

Their cold lobster rolls are fine, appropriate amount of lobster for the money albeit with a lot of small pieces, but I’d be wary of getting something as lobster-quality-dependent as a hot lobster roll at a grocery store.


purpleblah2 t1_iva1aww wrote

Speaking of unseasonably warm weather, barely any of the lobsters we consume are caught in CT because warming waters have caused a massive migration to the cooler waters of Maine and Nova Scotia.


JR32OFFICIAL t1_iva8ns8 wrote

$15 isn’t bad at all. Place I go to charges $24


WhittlingDan t1_ivb87rl wrote

Advertising on the Connecticut sub. Not a fan of this. Perhaps I should post my 'favorite' xyz and tag the brands.. Can I post my business here? There are plenty of ways to share the sentiment and even seafood on the coast but this is an attempt at gorrilla/social marketing.


taqeladragn t1_iv8nt3h wrote

Buttered? Gross.


TimeTraveler3056 t1_iva1n0r wrote

We have a fresh fish market and one time I splurged on 2 rolls. 1 hot buttered and 1 cold with mayo. For scientific purposes. The cold with mayo was better. IN MY OPINION. so relax Connecticut.


taqeladragn t1_ivadozs wrote

I don't care if I piss off CT, they aren't a real state anyway, JK. I follow all the surrounding states Incase something relevant comes up. I'm about a half hour from CT if I go down 84. But ya cold with mayo is better. If I want hot buttered lobster I want a hot lobster with butter
