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Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iw073u1 wrote

Take your trump shit down too while you are at it

Nobody wants to see that shit


jeevesneverlied t1_iw2ewan wrote

Amen, dudes been lost and may be going to jail. Fucking get over it and grow up!


Mobile-Animal-649 t1_iw2rcax wrote

It’s just crazy. He’s going to announce he’s going to run So we get two years of new signs and banners. Wtf America!


ovrhere_ t1_ivzoxbd wrote

I kinda wonder how much they matter in the first place tbh. Like, does prevalence of one candidate's signs over the other really affect people's voting habits?


bmcmillan534 t1_ivzq12l wrote

I thinks it's funny Republicans use blue signs in CT. Only Levy was using red signs. Kinda funny they don't even want to be recognized as republican.


ovrhere_ t1_ivzqc1g wrote

If you look at the conservative subs a lot of them are trying to distance themselves from the Republican party since GWB.


whosmellslikewetfeet t1_iw30x1d wrote

I was just thinking this the other day when I was driving down Legion Ave in New Haven and saw dozens of Rosa Delauro signs...which were red.


KaesekopfNW t1_iw0br06 wrote

Political scientists have found that they do actually have an effect, depending on the context of the race (especially if it's tight). So while they might not have mattered at all in House District 1, they may have played a role in House District 5.


rsjem79 t1_ivzu2yg wrote

I think it's more about a person's desire to advertise their beliefs.

Anecdotally, at least, the presence of yard signs don't seem to tell you much about how an election is going to go. If it did, Bobby Valentine would be the mayor of Stamford and "Bob and Laura" would have gotten more than 34.9% of the vote here.


OwMyCandle t1_iw2i9x8 wrote

If you see a name everywhere you might be swayed to vote for that person. Repetition legitimises.


roundabout_now t1_iw3jwcq wrote

It also familiarizes. Oh, I know that name! I'll vote for her.


LoveIsLove75 t1_iw0k2zk wrote

Lawn signs are helpful when you're looking to buy/rent. It helps me know if I would be comfortable in that neighborhood or not. We eliminated two places, that looked good on paper, already this election season because of this.


[deleted] t1_iw03n7h wrote

Can we vote on banning all political signs next election? They’re ugly, annoying, and don’t do shit. Kind of like Republicans.


CT-Best t1_iw0bvm9 wrote

The number of George Logan and Bob Stefanowski were too god damn high


eresho t1_iw0kqvs wrote

My neighbor already has Trump 2024 sign.


PlayLikeAHeroine t1_iw27ifa wrote

"the rules have changed" is tacked on to one person's trump 2024 flag that's been up since 2021. Sheesh.


theunseen0X t1_iw02i3f wrote

There was this guy at the intersection of West Main and New London Tpke in Norwich who had a million and half signs up, so I'm glad I'm not gonna see those anymore


bayo1 t1_iw1qg7h wrote

he’s acting as if he’s gonna vote for every single one of them too


Fight_the_bastards t1_iw0z3q1 wrote

Election season is one of the times I really like my HOA. One of the few rules they actually enforce is the “no political signs” one.


TheSingulatarian t1_iw0mku6 wrote

Nothing is over. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor. NOOOOOOO!

2024 campaigning has already started.


razgriz1701 t1_iw1o0h7 wrote

Well Op get out there and take ‘‘em down…


karmint1 t1_iw2chem wrote

Guy in my neighborhood still has his lock her up Hillary sign. Election signs are now a permanent decoration.


MightyMason t1_iw2mjr6 wrote

And these posts! Grabs for attention at this point


Shellsbells821 t1_iw28gaf wrote

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results (something like that!)

When will people realize this?


evillordsoth t1_iw0zmy8 wrote

Its kind of weird how all of the accounts posting this are all less than a year old.

Better yet take down all the traitor flags