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NKevros t1_iwzjsx4 wrote

Republicans love to build pipelines and assume they will solve all issues.


mercurywaxing t1_iwzmmii wrote

“Just add another lane to the highway. That will solve it.”


chrisexv6 t1_ix058sw wrote

"Just print more money, that will solve it"


BoomkinBeaks t1_iwzkx08 wrote

And many of those projects are opposed by the people that live in the towns where the pipeline is supposed to go. Nimby


RunnyDischarge t1_iwzl801 wrote

Came here to find the inevitable NIMBY post.


BoomkinBeaks t1_iwzmapt wrote

You know if they tried to run one through your back yard, you’d go full Karen.


RunnyDischarge t1_iwzmqg6 wrote

Rule 109: No Reddit post on politics and public policy shall proceed more than 10 posts without the proclamation of NIMBY.


BoomkinBeaks t1_iwzn2qr wrote

Fine. Both things are annoying, but both are also true.


Spooky2000 t1_ix03hrb wrote

>The decision appears to be a significant setback for Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's push to expand the use of natural gas by Connecticut power generating facilities. Malloy's administration has been touting natural gas as a cleaner, less expensive alternative to other fossil fuels, and a way to insure reliability in New England's energy system.

Yeah, all those evil republicans in Malloy's administration...


Myotherside t1_ix3pwzq wrote

It’s silly to think that having a blue tie keeps one from having red policies


1234nameuser t1_iwzqtq5 wrote

To be fair, a hell of a lot people have been killed needlessly because some hypocrites would rather oil be moved by rail.
