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DoctorMcAstronaut t1_ixvrlk0 wrote

That was about what we were paying in lithchfield county 8 years ago. It went 40 - 50 - 60 stayed, there for a couple years and this year I was like "80 + $10 to bail it. Fuck." Still worth it. Go with a couple families on a nice day and it's like tailgating at a football game. Spend a couple hours and let the kids run around.


Vness374 t1_ixvtjyh wrote

We really used to have a blast walking around and picking out a tree. The first year I did it as a single mom, I got my van stuck in the mud. I told my then 14 yo to get behind the wheel while I pushed (he had never driven before). I explained to him to push down SLOWLY AND GENTLY on the gas. He didn’t listen and COVERED me in mud. It was hysterical and he loves telling the story to this day. I miss that place!