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Kodiak01 t1_iy90q2j wrote

>A true atheist isnt "anti" religion, he just doesnt care to participate

Oh, they participate alright. Ever been into /r/atheist? Their favorite hobby is participating by blocking others from participating in theirs. They're some of the most vehement of all.


flatdanny t1_iya6xo6 wrote

I cant speak for them, but most atheists just dont care. They prioritize other things than religion in their lives and dont need structure or threats to do the right moral thing. Keep your guilt to yourselves.

I get that religion does both good and bad for people and that some people need that.

I do resent having to fund them by paying taxes when they dont. Especially now when so many "churches " are more political action groups than spiritual places.

Ive never had any interest in going to /r/atheist


Kodiak01 t1_iyaato1 wrote

> Ive never had any interest in going to /r/atheist

Imagine if the FDS and Socialist subreddits had a love child...