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redd-whaat t1_ite60f8 wrote

Sounds like you’ve opened the flue.

The next culprit is extreme temperature differences. Cold chimney doesn’t let heat rise and you get backdraft until it heats up. But it’s not that cold yet.

Next culprit would be blocked chimney. An animal nest or something else. How long have you lived in the house and when’s the last time you had the chimney cleaned?

But nine times out of ten it’s the flue.


LookingM4FnearUCONN OP t1_ite6zvn wrote

Will have to check chimney for blockage. Don’t have a cap so maybe


sucksatgolf t1_ite8eh8 wrote

Don't light another fire until you have the chimeny inspected. Ask the chimeny person about how to safely operate it. Lots of people overlook having chimneys cleaned and inspected. If your new to the area there's a chance the prior owner never had it done simply from not using it. A chimney with heavy creosote or animal nests can cause a chimney fire which can easily get into your walls or attic. We get these calls often during winter. Please also put a CO alarm in or near where the fire is. A blocked or unopened flue causing smoke build up and a CO condition which can be deadly very quickly. Please get a CO detector if you plan to use the fireplace for fires!


urBEASTofBURDENog t1_ite8i5c wrote

You don't have a cap??? You should have started with that. We have a bird that makes nests in them.

Also Google priming a flu. It's easy


LookingM4FnearUCONN OP t1_ite8y10 wrote

Yeah looking into that, house is 3 stories so getting up there isn’t easy


Sparker355 t1_itehiav wrote

As people said, get that thing inspected and cleaned! The temperature difference comment is legit but I’d be surprised if thats your issue this time of year. Either way (after you get the thing inspected), make a torch by tightly rolling up a big piece of newspaper then light it, hold it up towards the top (by the open flue) to get hot air moving up), then light crumbled newspaper sitting on top of the wood, then light newspaper on the sides of the pile of wood and then light under the wood…… also, make sure you get seasoned wood. A lot of places will sell you crap wood that won’t burn easily and will create a lot of smoke


LookingM4FnearUCONN OP t1_itei6xb wrote

Even if it was crappy wood and the flute was opened and primed would the smoke enter the house? Instead of going up the chimney?


urBEASTofBURDENog t1_iteke67 wrote

Not oyf the flu was primed first... Hire a "chimney sweeper" Google how to prime a flu.... These two things will solve all problems. Chimney sweeping services are found in those little flyers in the mail with coupons. They may be busier this time of year.


Unharmful_Truths t1_itgp2yy wrote

Just try dropping a live chicken down it. Remember to tie a nice rope around the chicken. The chicken will likely clear the blockage AND clean the chimney all at once.