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Stretchy_Cat t1_iui5pta wrote

Yup, happens on rt 8 all the time. I use adaptive cruise because I'm not a fan of getting speeding tickets. I'll come up on someone quickly with my cruise set to 72mph, I'll pull into the left lane to pass, and then suddenly they're accelerating while I'm pulling alongside them. I'll step on the gas to complete the pass more quickly and these idiots will try to go like 90mph just so I won't pass them- but if you get behind them again they'll just slow back down to 60. It must be exhausting thinking your ego is threatened every time someone wants to go faster than you, pathetic.


Nigel_IncubatorJones t1_iuj3kq7 wrote

It's against the law to speed up while someone is passing you. I happened upon it when I was looking up another law on the DMV website


stingrayrodriguez t1_iuix73c wrote

This just happened to me yesterday on route 8! I just got on and was behind someone going 65. I changed to the left lane to pass them at 70 and they matched me and drove exactly alongside me for a while before I sped up to 80. They matched again! Finally we caught up to traffic in their lane so they got stuck and I got to continue on ahead.


ReluctantVegetarian t1_iujzsi1 wrote

Also: they pass you when you are on the right, pull right in front of you - and then slow down!