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grapeaperapegape t1_it76t71 wrote

How many of these children were given the experimental Covid injections?


Pertinax126 t1_it7asbr wrote

What leads you to connect COVID vaccines to contracting a different disease?


your_inner_monologue t1_it7b26n wrote

They have foxnewsitis


Mike-El t1_it7ongy wrote

Gotta listen to the other news that told everyone they would not get Covid at all once they get vaccinated. As did Biden, and Fauci.


Pertinax126 t1_it7q2sr wrote

Care to share examples of where they said vaccinated people wouldn't get COVID? 'Cause that ain't how the vaccine works.


iStealyournewspapers t1_it9lgm9 wrote

Literally no one overseeing safety measures ever said that.


Mike-El t1_it9lrq4 wrote

Well when the president of the United States says it, and Fauci say it, people tend to believe them.


iStealyournewspapers t1_it9z7lp wrote

Fauci just said that being vaccinated makes you safe, and not being vaccinated puts you at risk. I can be safe in my house and a meteor could still crash through my ceiling and kill me, but it’s super unlikely, so I’m basically safe.


Mike-El t1_itbepg6 wrote

“When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected”


BeadyEyedThieves t1_it79si2 wrote

The settled science changed, because we move at the speed of science.


Pertinax126 t1_it7aogu wrote

> settled science

Gah! I hate that term. It flies in the face of what science is. No science should be settled since science is about expanding and improving what we know. No theory, no hypothesis, no idea should be so sacrosanct that we should be re-testing or re-validating. No aspect of science should be settled.


BeadyEyedThieves t1_it7bc6y wrote

My comment was sarcastic LOL. And yes, only troglodytes use this phrase. They believe in scientism (start with a preconceived hypothesis, gather data that supports the hypothesis, dismiss data that goes against the hypothesis and label anyone who points it out as a conspiracy theorist, get some bullshit peer reviewed paper published, then shout "trust the experts").
