Submitted by teabaggedyourdrumset t3_y9vu2n in Connecticut

Copied from BreakingNow on Facebook:

“Right Now Multiple reports of school Active Shooter Incidents have been coming in including the Windsor Locks Middle School and surrounding towns in the area. No reports of shots fired, believe these are SWATTING incidents. No active shooter, WLPD still investaging and the Blue Plan for mutual aid was activated. Police Departments throughout the state have received calls this morning. Reports from Bridgeport, Enfield, Stamford, Westport, Wallingford involved. 10:40am”



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BeachAdjacent t1_it7qjvp wrote

Police Departments across the state are stretched thin as so many officers are attending the funerals today. Assholes are capitalizing on that by filing false reports to overburden the limited police services available. Fucking vultures.


Prestigious-Tie2049 t1_it8ml84 wrote

Maybe the police departments should be doing their actual job


splashattack t1_it8r020 wrote

They are.

Protecting the working class isn’t part of their job. It’s protecting their own and the capital class. Capital class doesn’t send their kids to public schools so they don’t give a fuck.


Strict_Bad6992 t1_ita3i5f wrote

I’m rich and I send my kids to public school


splashattack t1_itbf5pq wrote

I didn’t say rich, I said capital class.

If you work for a living (meaning you build wealth through your labor and not through owning things) you aren’t who I’m talking about.


Mundane_Arachnid4943 t1_ita2sv9 wrote

Hope you never need the boys in blue


Prestigious-Tie2049 t1_ita5exp wrote

I don’t hate or despise them.

I just want them to do their actual job.

I appreciate police officers when they do the stuff they’re supposed to do.

Otherwise, I dislike boots.


AncientBellybutton t1_itbvkyg wrote

Who else will show up 45 minutes later when I call 911 to report that my house was robbed???


redcapmilk t1_it8h76l wrote

Armed agents of the government, shut down the state today, and someone was clearly pissed about it.


AncientBellybutton t1_itbvf0v wrote

Well then shame on the police for stretching themselves thin and leaving themselves unable to respond to this type of situation.

The death of an officer is tragic, but public safety is more important.

You have to put the needs of the many before the needs of a few.


Leading-Arachnid-818 t1_itjhyz5 wrote

What do you expect when they want to defund the police and say constantly how disgusting they are. Good cops leave because there are so many regulations they can't do their job probably so they get a security job that pays the same and minimal risk. You are then left with the scumbags who get into the profession to bully and act likes general thugs and get a paycheck Do you blame them? I don't


JennLegend3 t1_it7xi0a wrote

I'm in suffield and just got an email from the superintendent telling us that they have police at all of the schools. Love having a school aged child in 2022 😕


teabaggedyourdrumset OP t1_it7xom8 wrote

Yeah I just picked up my child - I’m not messing with this at all


TheRealBaseborn t1_it80phh wrote

Respect your decision fully and considering doing the same, but I have no doubt this is a response to the Bristol PD funeral. People are likely pissed about the highways being shutdown/blocked and what not.


teabaggedyourdrumset OP t1_it813jk wrote

Yeah that’s what I figured too but it only takes one crazy person to think that this is their chance, ya know?


AncientBellybutton t1_itbvd6a wrote

Well what did you expect to happen when a huge percentage of police in this state previously announced that they will be busy at this day and time?


ajpiko t1_it99x3n wrote

could be anger at alex jones verdict


pr1ap15m t1_it9sqzg wrote

i hope by the end of next week someone else is suing him


ajpiko t1_it9zypy wrote

I kinda just hope he fucks up and ends.up somewhere in public in connecticut


HappyLittleRadishes t1_itb7nx7 wrote

Hah. Yeah, sure.

No one gives a shit about Alex Jones.


ajpiko t1_itd10g0 wrote

i honestly can't tell if you're joking.


the whole point of the lawsuit was that lots of people were stalking, harassing, and threatening sandy hook victims based on his comments. he was making $50M annually w/ infowars off those same people. He has/had a huge audience of people willing to do terrible shit.


HappyLittleRadishes t1_itd28x0 wrote

Yeah, and I'm saying no one truly gives enough of a shit about Alex Jones to call in an active shooter threat to a school to protest his verdict, let alone 18 of them.

Conservatives have a bunch of whackjob talking heads they can cycle between. Alex Jones is just one of them.


ajpiko t1_itd2k97 wrote

Uhhhh Jones has a lot of followers and they've done really fucked up shit before.


JennLegend3 t1_it7y3f6 wrote

I was actually just thinking to myself that I might do the same. I'm not willing to risk it.


[deleted] t1_it7vq14 wrote



MoeLittle t1_it7z450 wrote

I don’t understand why they do this. I had a minor fender bender last year in Hartford during a cop funeral at Xfinity and it took them 4.5 hours to respond. And yes the police had to come because the other Asshole who hit me was in a company truck and needed it documented


Nintom64 t1_it8lqbw wrote

Because they value police lives over everyone else and don’t care.


fprintf t1_it8rlwu wrote

Can you imagine if all the truckers organized a mass funeral work stoppage every time a truck driver got killed on the job? Happens every day, unfortunately, and is a risk of the job and often not the truck driver's fault.


AncientBellybutton t1_itbvse6 wrote

Imagine if every single gas station attendant in the state showed up for a funeral procession every time a gas station attendant got killed somehow...


Avarice21 t1_it7xygx wrote

It's the perfect time to rob a bank


Athenas_Return t1_it7yxce wrote

I said that to my husband this morning. I said if anyone has any criminal plans now is a perfect day to do it.


Current-Photo2857 t1_it80y61 wrote

My district actually had several bomb threats called in to our elementary and high schools a few years ago, they were made by a guy who ended up trying to rob one of the local banks and his bomb calls were to gauge police response/see if it would be enough of a distraction to allow him to get away with it…spoiler alert: it was not.


Isntmatt t1_it85100 wrote

You could be right.. but Let's also talk about the dumb fucks using school shootings to make a point during a funeral.


BananaPants430 t1_it8fj1h wrote

Not going to lie, as a Bristol resident I don't want to leave the house today - pretty sure the city's being covered by mutual aid and state troopers so the entire PD can be at the funeral. I'm not in the mood to get in a car accident or have a run-in with a crazy person when police coverage is spotty at best.


Leading-Arachnid-818 t1_itji644 wrote

Its called respect the brothers in blue do it for everyone. And its not every single person Most who are there are not the beat cops but the higher ups


werdnak84 t1_it8qy95 wrote

SO like a shooter must be PARTICULARLY happy if one of the victims happens to be a cop on duty, because then it's guaranteed to free up a ton of streets and establishments while the funeral procession is being done, thereby giving other shooters MORE freedom to shoot more cops.


AndMarmaladeSkies t1_it7pfdw wrote

Listening to scanner app.

11:11 Norwich Tech reporting active shooting. Unclear if swatting (coordinated fake). Troopers en route nonetheless. Update: staff unaware of any incident. Troopers have inspected all rooms matching the given room number and have swept entire school. Just one more in this string.

12:15 Things seem to have calmed down a bit and State Police chatter seems mostly routine traffic, domestic disturbance, etc. Lockdowns and school sweeps are continuing though. Will probably sign off now.


gatogrande t1_it7xn0h wrote

What scanner app still works post encryption?


AndMarmaladeSkies t1_it7xxed wrote

Apologies for the Share button formatting. This one works fine for me. There are lots to choose from and they are laden with ads unless you want to pay.

I’m listening to "Connecticut State Police Troops C,D,E,F,H,K, Norwich, Groton, Willimantic Police" with the Scanner Radio app. You can listen to it here:

(Link doesn’t work for me. My app is called Scanner Radio.)


mynameisnotshamus t1_it7n4d2 wrote

Yikes. Sounds coordinated. I hope they can get to the bottom of it.


AdHistorical7107 t1_it83d6w wrote

My thoughts exactly. And I'm hoping for fucks sake not a real one is happening


magentablue t1_it7uafd wrote

Willimantic too. Eastern CT State University is under a shelter in place order.


0cclumency t1_it7ytqq wrote

Ngl, this makes me nervous that there could be a real incident in the midst of all the chaos. Hopefully everything remains nothing more than a hoax.


[deleted] t1_it7nh68 wrote

Wonder if its related to the funeral procession or the recent AJ sandy hook verdict. Evidently one or a group of sickos is behind this.


buried_lede t1_it8ik1s wrote

Oh, it just seems so obviously the funeral. Someone thinks it’s a cute opportunity. I always imagine it’s a teenager doing things like this but too often it ends up being some miserable adult with no sense. They will catch the people/person who did it


LetsGoWhalers t1_it7r5nz wrote

Happened at East Hartford High this morning too


jalct t1_it7z6u6 wrote

Stamford and Westport also got threats. Seems like the whole state was lit up with false threats.


AwayMulberry5883 t1_it7vg2d wrote

Do you know if East Hartford has been confirmed as swatting? My father in law works there


Tenxtenxten t1_it83g81 wrote

Happening in East Lyme right now - just got a message from the superintendent


LizaVP t1_it7uwak wrote

Staples in Westport has been put into lockdown.


Izaac5150 t1_it98pjj wrote

I happened to be home today. My buddy is a firefighter and called me as he was getting the all call on his radio. I’m 3 min away from my kids high school and I immediately took. Saw several other dads pulling in at the same time I was, we stayed by the entrance till the info came in fairly quickly that it was a false alarm. Police were already there. Texted with my kids and left them to enjoy the rest of the day. My son was super pumped about a pep rally and all I could think was all them kids together in the gym. So many things were going through my mind as I raced down there thank god it wasn’t real.


[deleted] t1_it86fi8 wrote

Great timing huh? All those cops are out showing force for a funeral procession…


IndicationOver t1_it87wv6 wrote

so what is the latest update?


halcyon_r t1_it897t7 wrote

Yeah wondering how to follow this, any local news reporting? Or Twitter?


teabaggedyourdrumset OP t1_it8b1y6 wrote

Towns involved:


Enfield High School





windham high

Windham middle

ECSU is under shelter in place due to proximity to Windham High School

Stamford high

East Hartford High

Norwich tech

Groton High School

Westerly, RI high school

Stonington High School

South Street Elementary

Windsor Locks Middle School

There were more after this list was posted


teabaggedyourdrumset OP t1_it8aunk wrote

There’s a group on Facebook called BreakingNow where I first found this out. It’s mostly CT based but occasionally does other states. It’s where I keep updated on this.

The swatting seems to have slowed down but a good 20 schools were affected. Not sure if more are still coming in though. So far no actual shooters.


roubaixSport t1_it90jd0 wrote

Just a bunch of dipshits calling in bogus threats.


Mysterious-Example85 t1_it8ujhh wrote

Could it be a bunch of false alarms to get the traffic moving lol


AncientBellybutton t1_itbvpf3 wrote

The perfect time to break the law is when half of the police in the state are stuck in a traffic jam of their own creation.


gatogrande t1_it7v1gf wrote

fucking children


[deleted] t1_it84bjp wrote

I hope it’s just kids being shitheads.


Leading-Arachnid-818 t1_itjiblt wrote

Of course it is Kids think this shit is funny because they have zero idea what the ramifications are.


[deleted] t1_itjn44p wrote

I’m not convinced - I could see this being messed up adults trying to make some kind of statement too.


sannicanbro t1_ita3e35 wrote

Fuck people who do this. They should get charged as terrorists and spend 7 years in jail


AncientBellybutton t1_itbwn05 wrote

There was a swatter who got 20 years in prison after the innocent victim was killed by the responding police down in Wichita Kansas.

But the cop (Justin Rapp) who actually shot the innocent/unarmed victim was never punished.


[deleted] t1_it7q3te wrote



teabaggedyourdrumset OP t1_it7q93o wrote

I think they’re all a hoax, and the schools are being swatted. Takes a sick individual (or individuals) to pull this kind of stunt.


OrePhan t1_it7xjq4 wrote

An article I read said it’s happening country wide so it might not be related to the funeral


halcyon_r t1_it88i5w wrote



OrePhan t1_itgzrxc wrote

Jeebus Google “national swatting” and click the news tab - several top stories


werdnak84 t1_it8qlyf wrote

Title - "Active shooter."

Post - "No active shooter."


Alert-Extreme1139 t1_it98f9e wrote

This has happened across many US states and has been happening for the past few weeks. Every day it’s a new state. Yesterday was Wisconsin’s day. It’s reportedly a series of robocalls coming from abroad. Clearly designed to cause chaos and little else.


Best-Raise-2523 t1_it9uvjq wrote

I feel like /r ct should just become a de facto police scanner lol


LostSoil5179 t1_it9y43j wrote

So sad for so many students, teachers and parents have to be terrified


reptile_enthusiast_ t1_itbkn6n wrote

I'm just as pissed as most are with the ridiculous over production of the funeral processional but that's no reason to call in active shooter threats and scare innocent families.


PorgCT t1_it9dmuo wrote

Good things all the region’s cops chose to do something besides their jobs today


AncientBellybutton t1_itbv7nx wrote

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that all of these calls happened at the same time that half of the police in CT were blocking the highway with their little death parade...


ProInvestCK t1_it8jrqn wrote

2 years in max security prison when caught


yeet41 t1_it92muy wrote

It was definitely one of you ACAB losers from here calling in the threats. Just miserable losers.


EverybodyWangChung52 t1_it93w0q wrote

You sure it wasn’t one of those blue line people who also have a don’t tread on me flag because they’re dumb as shit and don’t understand two conflicting ideologies


yeet41 t1_it9bswg wrote

Yeah that’s plausible.


AncientBellybutton t1_itbwbts wrote

When I was 18, I got busted for smoking a joint in the local city park.

The cop who busted me is currently serving a 10 year sentence in federal prison for manufacturing child porn.

His name is Sam DiProto from Cromwell, if you want to verify my story.

Weed is now legal, and the cop who busted me for it back in the day is now in prison - poetic irony!!!


AncientBellybutton t1_itbvy29 wrote

My money is on a bunch of punk teenagers taking advantage of the fact that most of the cops in state were busy elsewhere.

As a former teenage delinquent, this would have been the perfect opportunity to sow chaos amongst the adults.


SavageWatch t1_it8cohz wrote

I wouldn't be shocked if foreign entities (organizations) are behind this.


redcapmilk t1_it9je99 wrote

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it was the cops.


Paolo2ss t1_it8dq35 wrote

That would be way to risky for them.


SavageWatch t1_it8dyrw wrote

You remember the hackers that shut down the pipeline for a few weeks. Foreign organizations are also organized groups given protection under certain governments.


HappyLittleRadishes t1_itb7rtl wrote

Take your meds, schizo


SavageWatch t1_itbyon0 wrote

Dude don’t be a troll, find a useful hobby and leave your apartment once in a blue moon


HappyLittleRadishes t1_itcm4uv wrote

Don't talk to me like that I could be the Hillary Clinton Illuminati pizza gate Qanon deep state

I'm not a troll I'm a PSYOP WHOAAA WATCH OUT better write 10000 words on /r/conspiracy about it


DarkDeSantis t1_it83cid wrote

Funeral day, alot of looting and crime taking place


AncientBellybutton t1_itbwjmm wrote

If only half of the police in the state weren't busy in a traffic jam of their own creation...
