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sblct t1_iugmib7 wrote

Yeah but just over 600 people having 4 a day. It’s a habitual thing for some of these folk to do it everyday


0cclumency t1_iugnvo8 wrote

That’s true. I don’t doubt that people drink that much, I’m just surprised at nip usage vs. a large bottle.


AquaNines t1_iuhpu8r wrote

It's probably a moderation technique. If they got the whole bottle they'd probably drink way more.


ImpossibleParfait t1_iuip9e0 wrote

Yeah as someone who used to really struggle with alcohol I only would buy "enough" for that day. If I bought a whole bottle, I would drink the whole bottle.


TofuTofu t1_iuh30b7 wrote

You'd think they'd move to half pints or something