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Actonhammer t1_jbb8gdi wrote

Not the least bit suprised. ¾ of the Boomers still literally believe the Adam and Eve story. Why would it be different for witches?


SSoviet_Slayer t1_jbbfvvu wrote

People literally walk around admitting they practice witchcraft. I don’t know what that means but they freely admit it.


Actonhammer t1_jbblnze wrote

Practicing witchcraft, sure. Anyone can practice it. But there's no such thing as putting a spell on someone haha


dcabrams t1_jbe89pj wrote

People tell the Census they are Jedis. This does not mean Jabba the Hutt might exist.


bdy435 t1_jbefgsn wrote

Who wouldnt believe in a talking snake? /s


No-Ant9517 t1_jbc2w5r wrote

If a spokesman for the house GOP got involved defending these guys it begs the question: does the CT GOP have an official stance on witchcraft and its practice? Are there witches among us?


EarthExile t1_jbf9hmn wrote

It would be blatantly unconstitutional to have an official government position on witchcraft, per the First Amendment


AvogadrosMoleSauce t1_jbc5txv wrote

I knew Fishbein would be one of them.


bdy435 t1_jbefv7i wrote

Fishbein was a big Trump supporter. Trump is a self identified witch. Every time he was criticized he screamed it was a witch hunt.

Makes sense now.


PorgCT t1_jbc3swz wrote

It’s amazing how badly the CTGOP has lost the script.


jaytrade21 t1_jbcgh0u wrote

What is even sadder is they are the SANER branch of the current GOP.


throwy4444 t1_jbcvylx wrote

>"Typically, when somebody wants to have a convict exonerated, whether while they're alive or after they are dead, they produce evidence that they were innocent. Do you have any evidence that this person was innocent?" Dubitsky asked Beverly Kahn, a supporter of the exoneration resolution.

This question I don't understand. Isn't there absolute evidence that the person was innocent, because the act and results of witchcraft do not scientifically exist? This would be like if 300 years ago a Connecticut person was convicted of unlawful levitation. Are they innocent? Yes, because it is not possible for human beings to levitate.


buried_lede t1_jbcq1iz wrote

Fishbein is a piece of work. He knows darn well that the use of spectral evidence in itself is evidence of false convictions and that it’s inadmissible.

Perhaps he wants to bring back such trials. Any fascist People’s court, like Hitler’s “people’s court,” essentially did the same thing - procedure free, summary trials.

And not for nothing, Wally republicans are running around accusing people today. They’re “possessed” by a mass psychosis, and a greed for money and power.


keepitupxxx t1_jbbt7wv wrote

Now they will not say because they do believe in witches🤔 any more to say


coastal_girl14 t1_jbe1lwi wrote

Even if one believes in witchcraft, putting people to death for being accused of the practice is extreme. Especially, if the "practice" was signified purely by a physical ailment or body part.

The Republican's argument has no merit. Unless they are stating they should be tried, convicted, and executed for the same self-professed crime, as one of the representatives admitted to studying the occult in the past. Which is probably a graver act than most of those accused during the actual trials would have committed.

Moreover, their position smacks more as sexist than about exonerating crimes of witchcraft per se.


throwy4444 t1_jbcvk4t wrote

They may just be acting contrarian. If there's something Democrats want, then they can mock or opposite it on that fact alone. It gives them as sense of power, plenty of attention, and a chance to feel good about themselves owning the libs.


WhittlingDan t1_jbd8drr wrote

I ha e recently learned that quite a few Christians believe in witches and find reasons to use tarot and such even though it is forbidden. Do you know any Christians that burn sage? Do they do it to cleanse the house of spitits! That's a sin.


bdy435 t1_jbeeznc wrote

Whats the difference between casting a spell and praying?

The results are always the same.