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PhilipLiptonSchrute t1_jde8dc9 wrote

I am friends with 4 teachers in my social circle. 3 of the 4 are currently pursuing different careers, with the 4th holding out until her student loans are forgiven after being in the field for X number of years or something.

They all echo the same things...

  • Kids are pieces of shit now
  • Parents think their pieces of shits can do no wrong
  • Just about anything you say or do to the student could end up costing the school in litigation expenses.
  • Pay is trash

(and this is in CT where things are supposedly better teaching-wise than in a lot of the nation).


Prize-Hedgehog t1_jde937t wrote

My MIL has been a teacher in the same school system for 16 years. She hates going to work, and cannot deal with the way kids behave now and how admins handle situations that involve teachers and student conflicts. Many teachers she started with have retired or left the teaching career. At this point she’s just holding out for a couple more years til she can retire comfortably.