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BaltimoreBadger23 t1_j3cxphh wrote

Hopefully one was arrested and will be charged with an offer of reducing the charge if he identifies the other driver.

The speed cameras on 83 in Baltimore city have really helped cut down the drag racing on that section of Highway. I would love to see more of that around the area. 29 and 795 are good candidates for expanding that.


whatever7131 t1_j3d9imu wrote

Yes, as much as I hate that I've gotten two of the speed camera tickets (this was when they were new and I wasn't aware of them, and was just keeping up with traffic) they honestly have cut down on the racing. I don't feel like I might die on that stretch of 83 anymore.

ITA with 29 and especially 795, the racing up and down is awful.


FrankieHellis t1_j3dcewp wrote

Over by the State Park/Landing Road area you can hear them at night on (I guess) 100. As I lay in bed listening to them, I wonder how there can be no cops around. Then I learned the cops don’t typically engage them because they would get into a high speed chase, thereby putting people at risk. I am a big proponent of privacy, but I am all for cameras if they help stop this dangerous crap.


CookieMonster932 t1_j3hfds2 wrote

Speed cameras are a great idea. Cuts down on dangerous stuff like this and also brings in county money. Win win.


tacitus59 t1_j3hhn6i wrote

As long as its set up properly - where things like your car was stolen is taken in consideration and its not run like the crooks in easy pass run stuff. And it has a reasonable appeal process.