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CheeCheePuff t1_j0npyh4 wrote

I’ve never had a problem with black ice (I’ve been driving in Columbia for 20+ years). They’re pretty good about salting the roads so it’s usually not an issue, you’d just of course drive slowly and leave extra space in front of you on an icy day. Once or twice a winter snow may be an issue… again they’re good about plowing and such but for a bigger storm it can take time (usually within hours). I’m sure the medical facilities all have policies for how to handle that though.


FineWinePaperCup t1_j0rff2c wrote

FWIW, I think black ice is more of an issue with sidewalks than road. The roads are well treated. But every year I hear of someone who hits a patch of ice walking and wipes out. Happened to me (no injury) a couple times on the Wilde lake path. Looked that wet, was actually frozen wet.