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opiusmaximus2 t1_j0nm3b3 wrote

This is a r/maryland question. This sub is dead most of the time. HoCo is very expensive. I had to move from HoCo after growing up there because I can't afford it as a single teacher. Nursing pay is quite good in the area. The cost of living isn't low if you want to live in HoCo. They have a top 5ish school system in the country and people pay for that. Lots of money here. Weather is completely fine. Nothing crazy.


teedotjay39 OP t1_j0nm9bo wrote

I’m sorry but I don’t know….what’s HoCo?


21045Runner t1_j0npm85 wrote

It’s Howard County, which is where Columbia is located. It’s often listen as one of the most affluent counties in the United States. It’s significantly cheaper than Orange County, CA but it’s certainly more expensive that most counties in Maryland with the exception of MoCo (Montgomery County)


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j0nzk7n wrote

PG County is more expensive.


21045Runner t1_j0ohane wrote


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j0pbuhf wrote

That site is about the ranking of household income, not home values.


21045Runner t1_j0pnc2j wrote

PG doesn’t have a single zip code in the top 50 of this list for median home sales.

Where are you getting that PG is expensive? Have you ever been there? It’s not a nice place. Their school system is horrible and their politicians are constantly getting booted for corruption.


Sure_Comparison6978 t1_j0potlr wrote

Yes, I just moved from Hyattsville. Far more expensive than Columbia…one of the reasons we moved here.

PG County I’m sure has far more poverty than Howard County, which would skew any sort of county wide average. But home values in PG County, especially those closest to DC, have skyrocketed as those areas are gentrifying quickly. This would include Hyattsville, Mt Rainer, College Park, Riverdale, among others.

And your comment about the bad public schools is irrelevant, as most of the affluent families in PG County send their kids to either private or charter schools.

But go on…tell me more about PG County.


opiusmaximus2 t1_j0ql4fg wrote

Im curious why would you choose Columbia, MD as a potential place to live out of anywhere else if you are unfamiliar with the area?