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intothexsjados t1_jchtgrs wrote

I’m in Hanover and got this message the other day, possibly related? vzw message


FrankieHellis t1_jchulyr wrote

Why would Verizon send out Comcast trucks?


intothexsjados t1_jchut9r wrote

Sorry I glossed over the title 😅 but maybe whatever work verizon is doing comcast is as well? Maybe running some kind of new wires?


FrankieHellis t1_jcko15s wrote

I gotta say, I got to thinking about this and I thought, “What a genius idea - sending out trucks that look like your competitor’s. It would create the image that your competitor’s product was always broken!”
Of course, OTOH, name recognition is probably a bigger goal, so you would be defeating that goal. Anyway, it caused me to think about it for an inordinately long time… and I wasn’t even stoned. Lol.


zlyda OP t1_jci01a8 wrote

Also have Verizon for cell service and got a message a couple of weeks ago for that as well