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realvladdiputtn t1_j75dnr7 wrote

My wife and I both found PCPs who we love at CHA, though basically every experience with CHA other than our PCP has been a train wreck. Their Telehealth ended up costing us way more than we expected because while the doctor was in network, they weren’t approved to do Telehealth so it counted as out of network. It was nearly impossible to get referrals for a specialist when our PCP was on paternity leave.

Also, if you have any ability to choose, avoid the CHA Hospital ER at all costs. I’ve had the misfortune of taking friends there three times, and every time ended poorly. One friend with gall stones was told he didn’t need surgery twice after serious attacks, which the surgeon he eventually went to said was borderline malpractice as it had started to become infected. My other friend came down with a viral infection with a 103 fever and was told to go to the ER by urgent care, only for us to wait in the waiting room for 5 hours before leaving without being seen or even given an estimate of how long it would take. In contrast, we ended up taking her to MGH where we were seen by a doctor within 15 minutes, and tested, treated, and related within a 5 hours. Of course, if you’re in an absolute emergency, do whatever is fastest.