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blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j7561jw wrote

I've had a mixed experience. I liked my PCP, but I found some of his PAs to be inattentive and dismissive. One nearly missed my pneumonia cause she didn't think that I had been sick for long enough. My PCP retired and I've only seen my new one once, so I don't have an opinion on her. When I injured my wrist, they referred me to a orthopedist that was past I95, which was weird. My dermatologist and gastroenterologist are good. My psychiatrist was good, but she left the CHA because it was a dumpster fire. They replaced her with a nurse practitioner who was way in over her head and had no clue what she was doing. After a year, I left and followed my old psychiatrist to her private practice once it had room.

I'm looking to switch to MGH cause they have better specialists and surgeons and it can be hard to get referrals to MGH specialists without a PCP there.