Submitted by lilliavert t3_10didlc in CambridgeMA

I live in a managed non-luxury apartment. We have two window air conditioners for which we paid $90 each to have maintenance install per the lease agreement. Wasn’t happy about it at the time, but being as we live on the top floor and it gets swelteringly hot in the summer, we didn’t have much of a choice if we wanted to be comfortable.

The management company just reached out asking tenants to put in a maintenance request to have all ACs removed, citing energy efficiency and potential damage to AC units. The removal is included in the installation fee, but come next spring/summer, we would need to pay another $180 to have them reinstalled.

As I mentioned we live on the top floor and hardly even turn the heat on because of how warm our apartment gets in the winter, so energy efficiency doesn’t exactly apply if I have to open windows to cool it down anyway.

This wasn’t a request last winter, but we did have a change in management company since last year, which may be why.

Is there anything I can do to not remove the ACs/have to pay $180 to reinstall ACs that I never wanted to have removed in the first place? Or do I just have to accept it and pay the fees come spring?



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MassholeAsswhole t1_j4loe6c wrote

Are they your AC units or the management companies? $90 to install/remove and store is honestly not that bad if they’re the companies.

Does the lease prohibit you from doing it yourself?

Otherwise if they’re like most management companies in the area ignore the request and they’ll likely forget about it. But be warned This has been a very mild winter so far, keeping those units in might be a bad idea if it gets bad out. Worse case you can wrap towels around them.


SheeEttin t1_j4lp0q2 wrote

If it's just a window unit, you could... take it out yourself?


lilliavert OP t1_j4lth5h wrote

Yes agreed - removing isn’t as much of an issue, but I would be a little nervous to reinstall it and knowing me I’d probably end up dropping it out of the window. But I guess I can probably ask some friends who are stronger than me to help out.

Editing to add that I’m pretty sure the lease agreement says we’re not supposed to do it ourselves but I don’t know how closely they keep tabs on these things considering they manage multiple buildings


lilliavert OP t1_j4lu8t7 wrote

The AC units are both mine! If they stored them, I’d 100% agree it’s worth it, but as of now the $90 is just for installation/removal. (Maybe I’ll ask if I can keep them in the shared basement, so thank you for the idea)

I’m 90% sure we’re not supposed to do it ourselves, probably for liability reasons.


CostcoBrandDinosaur t1_j4lx7z8 wrote

Don't buy what that person linked. They're terrible efficiency. If you're worried about installation and are considering getting a more efficient not to mention quieter unit I highly recommend

They're a little confusing the first time you install but are also braced by a mounted window bracket and have the window between the front and back of the unit, making it physically impossible to fall out with the window shut. The bracket also makes installation easier once you've read the instructions and done it once.

They're also much quieter and lighter than traditional units.


lilliavert OP t1_j4m3c0i wrote

That’s exactly how I feel - like I’m agreeing to being ripped off! I do like my apartment overall and maintenance is usually very helpful/prompt, so maybe I’ll look into alternatives for next summer even though my current units aren’t very old unfortunately.


mfball t1_j4m6lfr wrote

Probably still depends on what's in the lease though, because if it says you can't use your own units, then they can probably levy some other kind of fee for "violating the lease."


oscardssmith t1_j4mef87 wrote

I'd read your lease very carefully first. Unless there is language there specifically prohibiting you from installing the AC on your own, I seriously doubt they can stop you (note I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice).


nw_suburbanite t1_j4ns98e wrote

You should just remove the units and replace them whenever you want. All they can do is non-renew. Of course, this would only work if they aren't directly debiting the rent payment from your bank accounts.

If they try to remove the $90 from your security deposit you're allowed triple damages and attorneys fees (which I am sure they know)


Old_Travel8423 t1_j4nvwod wrote

Does your lease require you to remove the air conditioners? If no, you don't have to remove them. This doesn't mention anything about fees, and it's a pretty comprehensive guide to rent in MA. So I don't think there is anything else about fees or actions that are in your lease.

If the lease requires the fee to install ACs, then that is something you can't get around. My guess is it's not in your lease to remove the ACs. That means, probably, that you don't have to remove the ACs, meaning you would not need an install in the summer, meaning you wouldn't incur the cost. However, best case scenario there is the landlord does nothing (possible, since it sounds like you need to keep your windows open in the winter to stay cool - btw look into outlet thermostats plus a window fan that has manual, non-electric controls - that's a life-saver in those situations). I would expect though that your landlord will write it into all lease renewals in the future that window ACs must be removed before a certain date, at which point you would either need to accept the terms or move (or try to negotiate it out, but that's unlikely). There's also the risk that the landlord would not renew your lease if you push back, or increase the rent, or take other retaliatory actions, which is crappy but that's what might happen.

If both the install fee, and the removal requirement, were in the lease, then there's not much you can do. It's basically a higher rent amount but only if you want those services, which my guess is legal in MA. So then you need to decide if this new higher rent amount is worth it.


Old_Travel8423 t1_j4nwkl1 wrote

I would assume if it was in the lease that tenant can't install their own and has to pay $90 per unit to have them installed, and the lease contained a requirement to remove them in the winter, then it's probably not illegal. I tried to find some legal language and came up completely empty handed. It's a bizarre situation. All I'm finding about odd fees is landlords can't require payment of amenity fees - but can restrict tenants right to access the amenities if the tenant chooses not to pay the fee.


lilliavert OP t1_j4o0ipm wrote

I’ve taken a closer look at my lease, and specifically the air conditioning portion, and it looks like in my lease I can’t run it from Nov 1 - Apr 1, but it doesn’t specifically say I’m required to remove it by a certain date. However, it says that failure to adhere to any of the installation or usage policies is a $200 fine and of course the ever looming threat of non-renewal/eviction. So the cost of installing them again is essentially the same as the fine ironically.

It just seems like another way to squeeze money out of tenants unfortunately (the whole installation takes less than 10 minutes) but I guess I’ll go with it in hopes that my rent doesn’t jump up too much this year.


lilliavert OP t1_j4o0rhk wrote

It says I can’t use it in the winter, but doesn’t mention removal. That being said, there is a $200 “Violation of AC Units Policy” fee. Which is essentially the same amount as the reinstall cost…


commentsOnPizza t1_j4o9dsm wrote

Probably the stand-alone unit would cost more, especially with energy prices rising (though I guess Cambridge won't feel that until 2024 if you're on the community aggregation). Department of Energy standards that go into effect for 2025 note that portable AC units are actually only doing about 70% of the cooling that was previously assumed - and they were already considered horrendously inefficient. Consumer Reports notes that a portable AC unit will take three times longer to cool a room - and three times the electricity in the process.

If you're spending $50/mo on cooling and you're suddenly using 3x the electricity, you're then using an extra $100/mo. Even if it's just double the electricity, you're still going to eat through an extra $150/unit over the summer.


commentsOnPizza t1_j4of42w wrote

Definitely check the lease. Lots of leases do specify that you can't install AC on your own and there's nothing in Mass that guarantees access to cooling like we guarantee heat. Often landlords don't want people installing AC units because often people put large/heavy units and put all the weight on the window - or they're installing a support structure and making penetrations into the exterior of the building.

For the winter, the landlords probably have a good case argument that it isn't weather tight for a Boston winter and that they don't want the added weight of snow/ice on top of the AC unit putting more stress on the building/window.

You might be able to negotiate it with the management company. You have two units and maybe you can get them down to $45/each. It's just one trip for their service person.

I think they should reasonably come down from the $180 for 2 units, but I don't think it's a scam on gullible tenants, ACs should be taken out for the winter, and there are good reasons to disallow tenant installation of AC units - it's overprotective for sure in most cases, but there are good reasons.

I'm guessing the lease stipulates this and they're going to have to comply, but maybe it doesn't.

There's also the question of whether $90 or 180/year ($7.50 or $15/mo) is the hill one wants to die on. When renting apartments, one often doesn't get to choose the exact rent. If this is the one thing that's pissing you off about this management company, I'd ignore it. Would you rather find a different place that's $100/mo more? Maybe your place is over priced, maybe management is annoying about lots of things, etc. Or maybe it's not worth the fight. Plus, even if you rarely turn on the heat, it's still some money there and probably $50+ even if you rarely turn on the heat.

If it's the hill you want to die on, it's the hill you want to die on. However, if the rest of things are great, I wouldn't make that the hill to die on. Yea, it's annoying, but the cost is minuscule compared to Cambridge rent. What are we talking? 0.5% of annual rent at a time when annual rent increases are in the 5-15% range? I just wouldn't make it my hill to die on.


Old_Travel8423 t1_j4pp72y wrote

Yeah it’s a crap situation.

I don’t think they can incorporate by reference policies that they can change any time that cost you extra fees. You probably have a strong argument there, and if you were okay with not renewing the lease that might be the way to go. But the big risk is that they might not renew the lease.