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blackdynomitesnewbag OP t1_jczk80r wrote

Here's the actual text from their email notice.

>Say NO to the Franklin Up-Zoning Petition - not on the merits but because we need the City to do a real City Plan with specific streets re.zoning, housing, green spaces, and other factors. Option: instead convene a 12 person committee: 3 members each from the Planning Board, the BZA, the Cambridge Historical Commission, and our Neighborhood Group leaders to work together to create a City Plan on behalf of City Council and CDD

It's self contradictory. Pretty clear that they'll never support any housing of any kind


IntelligentCicada363 t1_jczkobu wrote

oh my fucking god is that what they actually wrote? These people, who constantly complain about not being heard, want a committee formed exclusively of unelected, uncredentialed homeowners who clearly have a vested interest in preventing housing construction? My god. When you think these people can’t get worse, they somehow do.