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ConBroMitch t1_j9ydh6n wrote

Imagine comparing sportiva to redwing. They’re completely different type of boot - as if that was some kind of flex? Lmao. Oh, and sportiva manufactures in China and Vietnam you clown.

You’re on a roll in this sub, spewing garbage product recs without understanding what you’re talking about.


Ragnar_DanneskjoldSr t1_j9ydz89 wrote

The quality is completely on a exponentially higher level. Redwing is made in China. With no concern for quality footwear. 60% of La Sportiva's products are made in Italy. I guarantee you it's the top-of-the-line stuff. First, no American sized footwear can come close to the European size model. Infinitely more sizes and width options. Go away. You don't know what you're talking about. I wear out a pair of $200 redwings in six months. That's with adding insoles with an arch and maintenance of leather. I can make $700 LaSportiva last five or six years. You do the math.


ConBroMitch t1_j9yeu5c wrote

Dude. I drive by the Redwing plant on a regular basis and personally know people who work on their buy side supply chains…


I’m not sure what else to tell you.

Maybe respond to this comment 13 more times.


Ragnar_DanneskjoldSr t1_j9yfh7d wrote

Only redwing heritage. If it's just redwing without the heritage, it's Chinese junk. And it's a far inferior work boot than what I mentioned. I don't give a shit what you do. You don't know what you're talking about and you're a typical Midwestern American male. Haven't been anywhere, haven't seen anything, haven't read anything, But you know stuff. Shameful. If you can't provide a credible source for your claims, they're just bovine fecal matter.


ConBroMitch t1_j9ygsd8 wrote

Lmao - yeah you got me pegged bro! 😂. Classic Lib L. You legitimately think you’re better than everyone, and yet, you’re still… you.

Enjoy getting your product recommendations spoon fed to you from multi-million dollar ad platforms and thinking you’re “informed”.

I sincerely hope you can pull yourself out of your crippling depression, and I wish you great success in your career at Starbucks… In the meantime, I’ll have a Venti Pistachio Latte please.


Ragnar_DanneskjoldSr t1_j9yj92y wrote

I'm not about product reviews. I use and on all of the products I have mentioned. You are completely just making things up at this point. I'm not liberal, I'm progressive. And I suppose you consider yourself "conservative"? Reading about something doesn't mean you know it. I know when I told you is correct because I've done it. Disingenuous douche canoe is no way to go through life. If I am purchasing something that I've never owned anything in that category in my life, I defer to professionals. Not reading the reviews. People who use that particular item and others in the market niche. You don't know anything about me, your comments are quite telling about you.

Perfect example. You've never worn a pair of high end long Sportiva boots. Making any claims to them whatsoever is flat out foolish and painfully ridiculous on your part part.


Ragnar_DanneskjoldSr t1_j9ye248 wrote

Troll elsewhere. Random dude on the Internet saying stuff. Disingenuous ignorant stuff at that.


Ragnar_DanneskjoldSr t1_j9ye94d wrote

Troll someone else. I actually have knowledge and a life experience. I'm sure your mother had higher hopes for using agitprop bovine fecal matter dissemination tool