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brandywine-farm t1_j4318rr wrote

we have plenty of water. Sorry about you West Coast drought places. Shouldn't run my life though.
TVA power from rivers. Well water.


The_Evil_Pillow t1_j439clr wrote

Hydro power is not as good as you think it is…


DraconianDebate t1_j43gbxw wrote

Are you guys going after hydro now? Next you'll be complaining about the higher death rates from solar and ecological damage to bird populations from wind.


The_Evil_Pillow t1_j44t85j wrote

Ignorance is bliss I suppose, hope you don’t enjoy salmon. Also, the risk of human death is considerable with dam mismanagement/deterioration. The bird death thing is a fat joke by the way.


DraconianDebate t1_j45acga wrote

I enjoy a coastline that isnt flooded over some fucking salmon, yes.


brandywine-farm t1_j449258 wrote

Rather have electrical power from coal? No..that was converted to gas...wait. now gas is bad so..convert to ?? Solar is worse than hydro. Wave power is destructive to sea life. Wind turbines are killing birds and break down all the time. Pick your poison. I'm ok with my hydro..and a few solar panels and my well water. People shouldn't live in the desert and expect water to be delivered to them, and when it's short, expect everyone else to change their lifestyle and equipment because of their self-perpetuated situation. To each his own.


The_Evil_Pillow t1_j44p0bi wrote

There’s a reason they’re removing dams. The energy is many times unnecessary and ecosystems especially salmon and other freshwater aquatics are essentially destroyed. Solar and wind is no where near as bad lmao. Provide a source before you spout complete bs like that. I’m providing some context for you since you seem pretty gung-ho on hydro which on paper seems really great.


brandywine-farm t1_j46ci2v wrote

Energy is not needed?? LOL. The grid can't keep up as it is.....
There were rolling blackouts during this freeze because TVA couldn't produce enough electricity and they couldn't "bring it in" from anywhere else.
"earthlawcenter" sounds completely unbiased. :/
The dams are working until we get fusion or people stop being afraid of nuclear....there are no other choices unless we want to return to the stone age, but *gasp* that's burning wood.