Submitted by bigpicnictable t3_10l6p86 in BuyItForLife

Ok, I’m exhausted with the spam ads. Is there any real benefit of blue light block lenses for everyday wear? I have maximum 4 hours of “hardcore” laptop work per day, but need my glasses for distance and driving.

Any non-sales feedback is appreciated.



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kastabortettkonto t1_j5ux5xy wrote

No, not really. If you're worried about blue light from screens, use a red filter on them instead. If you're worried about "blue light" from the sun, it's nonsense, use UV- protection lenses instead


501_Error t1_j5vlspz wrote

Also, both Windows and MacOS have blue light reduction modes free in the OS.

On the Mac, it's called Night Shift, and on Windows it's Night Light.




SheepImitation t1_j5wtfk7 wrote

This^^ cell phones and tablets also have this option. I use it at night since I more than likely will end up misplacing the glasses in the first place. Plus these can be scheduled so its a 'set and forget'.

I only turn mine off if I'm doing color work for art.


fiddlenutz t1_j5uzyn4 wrote

Don’t tell Zenni that lol. They send you a FREE blue laser to show their lenses block blue light.


IntelligentRound5423 t1_j5v3fub wrote

Do yourself a favor and seek out scientific information like that presented by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. He is a Stanford professor of Neurobiology and Opthamalogy. In this podcast he discusses why we should NOT wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses during the day and may consider using them at night while viewing screens in preparation for good sleep hygiene.


Illicit-Tangent t1_j5v3vxm wrote

Yes, the real benefit of blue light blocking is to protect your circadian rhythm for sleep. I recently read "The Circadian Code" by Satchin Panda. He is one of the researchers who identified the protein in our eyes that senses blue light and he specifically recommended not blocking blue light during the day, but only for the ~3hours leading up to bed time.


nshields84 t1_j5xd87j wrote

Panda is the circadian king!

I use the Rise Science app to notify me relative to my melatonin window when you throw on my blue blockers.


Rare-Imagination1224 t1_j5x3gs9 wrote

I do this and I think there might be something in it, could be a placebo but either way I’m falling asleep better


nshields84 t1_j5xd3ym wrote

Definitely an aspect of a wind down routine which signals to the brain. But, if you have good blue blockers you’re also allowing the natural expression of melatonin.


GreatRhinoceros t1_j5vg304 wrote

Personally I feel blue-blocking glasses make the world seem dull and drab. The sensation on your eyes is like looking out into a cloudy day, whereas regular reading glasses feel like looking out into a bright day.


popagram t1_j5v2aw8 wrote

Plastic eyeglass lenses have a colorless UV absorber in the lens material. If not, the lens will yellow after a few months of exposure to the sun. That doesn't stop the promotion of UV or blue light blocking lens material as having a benefit. Any additional UV protection is superfluous. Any blue light 'protection' is based on questionable science.

Ignore the attempts to empty your wallet.


theriveraintdeep t1_j5v3j7w wrote

I clicked into this thread ready to say I've noticed a difference using my old cheap glasses that have that compared to my contacts, after transitioning from not that much screen time to 8+ hours a day plus unfun light conditions.

Is it psychosematic?? Or just that's it's glasses? I woud have thought contacts might be easier on the eyes since the correcting lens sits right on the eye.


kiwiballism t1_j5v3if1 wrote

My eye doctor said the jury isn’t out study-wise but since they’re cheap and can’t hurt she suggested them alongside turning on device “nighttime” mode and limiting screen time. The ones I have were $7 and have UV blocking lenses and work as readers for when I wear my contacts as well as well. I wouldn’t have spent any more on fancy ones.

If you’re at your computer for long periods of time don’t wear your glasses or it could cause strain if they are meant for distance, that alone could help with eye strain/headaches.


lasdue t1_j645ymw wrote

The night mode on your device display is enough, the glasses are just nonsense.


CamelHairy t1_j614l65 wrote

Im not an optician, but my wife is. Here is her reply.

"Anyone who stares at a lighted screen is receiving unwanted blue light that can potentially harm the retina. Most eyecare professionals recommend buying blue light protective lenses. Usually this involves a blue light filter incorporated into an antiglare (non-reflective) coating. That provides sonewhere around 30% blue light protecton. Another method is Essilor's Transitions Extra-active photochronatic lens. This is a light changing lens that gets extra dark outside... is supposed to block at least 80% of blue light, so it us valuable inside as well. Prices on these (and all other optical products) can vary greatly. Don't be afraid to shop around! The discount optical chains are just as good lenswise as the expensive stores, they just don't have the most expensive frames!"


Junior_Ad2955 t1_j5w6fpu wrote

Useless. The sun gives you more from a second than the lights from a device will all day.


nshields84 t1_j5xe0sb wrote

There’s no evidence that blue blocking reduces eye strain. In short that has more to do with taking breaks, text size, and your glasses Rx.

Blue light is incredibly important and in fact should be consumed/absorbed from wake until ~60 but ideally 90 minutes before you want to be asleep. In fact, blocking blue light during the day is detrimental to your natural rhythms and has cascading effects.

Blocking at night will allow your natural melatonin expression. I use the Rise Science app to predict my circadian and get a reminder to put on blue blockers as my melatonin window approaches (time shifts daily).

For more info look up Dr. Satchin Panda (book) and several Dr. Andrew Huberman podcast episodes.


lynxss1 t1_j5valb7 wrote

My tech company insurance pays for regular glasses and computer glasses with the blue light blocker. For years I didn't want to bother with multiple pairs of glasses until I attended mandatory company zoom meeting with the insurer explaining all the options and benefits people may not know about. The extra computer glasses were not just the same prescription with blue blocker added to the lens as I had always assumed. They are set to a different focal length and optimized for computer monitor distances.

So I got a pair and have to say they generally make things crisper and my eyes feel less tired at the end of the day. I believe this has everything to do with the different focal length and not set for distance like my others. I don't know if the blue-blocker helps your sleep rhythm or not but an extra pair of computer glasses really helps reduce eyestrain.


DoubleSoupVerified t1_j5vminz wrote

There is no scientific evidence for it but anecdotally I do wear and enjoy my gunner blue lenses for gaming


R3DEMPTEDlegacy t1_j5w3de6 wrote

From my doctor, yes long term you absolutely should wear them when working on screens . The long term health of your eyes will be helped . But they are not a short term solution to screen headaches and eye strain .


nshields84 t1_j5xdinz wrote

Can you ask your doctor for the peer reviewed evidence they are citing (oh man that pun!)? As far as I know thread no evidence helps with screen related strain.


ButterIsMyFriend t1_j5wfvyp wrote

I recently got blue light blocking contacts (Acuvue max) and I really like them. I do feel like I have less eye strain and easier time falling asleep compared to my old normal contacts


BJ_Orange t1_j5whbik wrote

I use mine all day because I'm prone to migraines. I've had far fewer migraines since starting to wear them.


7___7 t1_j5xlss6 wrote

Go to an optometrist, get a prescription added to you classes. if You don’t have glasses the prescription would be 0.


iwantmy-2dollars t1_j642m0e wrote

Invest in lenses at the eye doc if you can, or the online places. By invest I mean buy the lightest weight best coated lenses they offer. Even the EyeBuyDirect lenses have good coatings. The only caveat being I would not recommend transitions lenses, they never get dark or light enough.

Polarized lenses for sun. I got mine online at the place I mentioned above and it feels like such a luxury to have Rx sunglasses. It’s not. I should have bought them years ago.


Slipstriker9 t1_j67ombs wrote

You are better off investing in a IPS panel screen for your laptop. Like a dell ultra sharp for example. I get migraines from standard TN panels in normal screens.


I_Must_Be_Going t1_j5vfhuc wrote

I wear Gunnar gaming glasses for my computer work, which is about 8 hrs / day, heavy on coding & email.

They do make a difference, my eyes feel a lot better at the end of the day if I wear them.


Muncie4 t1_j5wuict wrote

Can we all learn and repeat the following:

Unless you are using a Hewlett Packard or a Nokia 3310, your operating system has blue light settings you can use in Settings.