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AlphaHusk t1_j3f2gr7 wrote

Can we please remove the advertisement? This POS will wear down in 6 months


CressiDuh1152 t1_j3iee87 wrote

I don't like them due to lack of support, but I work in a 24/7 control center where we all have our own chairs. A few people have these and the only one that's all broken down is about 10 years old. It is common for us to have 20 hr days and 80+ hr weeks.

This is what I'm sitting in.


Iamanxious_101 t1_j3fs20n wrote

This is not an advertisement.


haydesigner t1_j3jdb45 wrote

It reads like one.


Iamanxious_101 t1_j3jdwmr wrote

I was only trying to help the community if someone was in the market for one. The process of researching before buying is very time-consuming, and I thought maybe, if I can be of any help. The sizes of Secret Lab chairs are always confusing, so sharing the insight about the height was my main highlight.
