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plasmaticD t1_j5q4nz3 wrote

By headphones, you mean over-the-ear not earbuds, I guess. I have a pair of Sony WH-1000X m3 noise cancelling headphones that impress me a lot. The noise cancelling feature is excellent, can be deactivated, works fine in a car (not driving of course), airplane, any noisy location. Can also be used for noise cancellation without music just for quiet isolation in those places (for study time, etc). Rechargeable. Bluetooth, also works hard wired with included earphone cable. Ours are 2 years old so not much of a data point there on lasting a long time. There's a newer model out but I tried both out at Best Buy and chose the m3. The XM3 are still available, still excellent and have been heavily discounted. Available at Best Buy, Amazon, etc.