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deformo t1_j64ovnz wrote

I never wanted a fucking fishtank. We had one at our office that other people populated. I ended up caretaker of these neglected bastards. Then, we moved offices and building mgmt said ‘NO FUCKING FISHTANKS’. So I suddenly owned a fishtank.

I have a 7 year old loach.


MokausiLietuviu t1_j64t5mn wrote

Work to do is the universally recognised punishment for giving a shite.

Well done on the loach! Mine lasted until 8.


ithinkijustthunk t1_j650q5y wrote

Same with my dog. I never wanted a fucking dog. He's an amazing addition to my life, but I very specifically did not want to tie myself to a dog (I like to travel)

Stupid ass MiL thought she was going to be violently raped, murdered, all her possessions stolen, her house burned, her (adult) daughter kidnapped, her tires slashed and bank accounts drained by a murderous psychopath...

In a retirement neighborhood with 3 churches and 2 schools half a klick away. Police station 2 klicks away.

So her and sister-in-law decide they want a SIBERIAN HUSKY to feel safer. Poor dog has been stuck inside its whole life. Never gets walks. Never gets washed. Is fed a complete diet of dog treats and jerky (thanks MiL). Is given multiple bowls of food on the bed and couch...

And SURPRISE! This high-energy working dog is going nuts. With zero guidance or structured training, he tears apart the house everytime he's alone. He eats food off the counter. Muddy pawprints on all the furniture. Goes through the trash...

Because they don't want to crate him, or muzzle, or train, or even feed properly. So in sympathy, I start taking him out for walks and doing training sessions.
Get him potty trained, and teach him what toys are...

Now he's "my" dog and I'm constantly getting blamed for all the misbehavior that they reward.

I love the furry demon. Swear to God, he's a little ball of exactly what I need.

But fucking hell... is this what I should expect from my MiL when I actually have children?


Catarooni t1_j65264a wrote

> But fucking hell... is this what I should expect from my MiL when I actually have children?

Yes. That behavior is a massive red flag, especially if your SO takes their side.


ithinkijustthunk t1_j65od7x wrote

Clarification: my SO is amazing. We raise this beautiful fluffer as best we can as a team.

SO also has a sister... who is not so amazing. Very spoiled, confrontational, arrogant, and likes to stir shit in the family.

In honesty, its one of many problems that is causing a LOT of household stress. MiL and SiL are like this about a lot of things (they've both got some very deep unresolved traumas).

Its why SO and I are looking at setting up a mortgage. Even a trailer would be better than this situation: at least I won't lose sleep and can fuck in peace.


Catarooni t1_j668dyw wrote

That sounds super stressful! I'm glad that you and your SO have each other's backs, though. I wish you the best of luck in getting out of that situation.


BaaaBaaaBlackSheep t1_j655p2x wrote

How fucking dare you mention a dog without paying the tax.


mohishunder t1_j65xjxf wrote

> I actually have children?

FYI, dog-kid youtube videos can be a lucrative side business.


4filth t1_j67crc6 wrote

God… this is also me with the dog my stepdad brought home without talking to any of us and while my mom was out of town on vacation… Because I’m the only person who gives a shit on how to properly train a dog suddenly he’s “mine” and “only listens to me” and I can’t even leave the house whenever I want because suddenly he’s my responsibility…


HarmlessHeffalump t1_j65l66u wrote

When I was a kid, I won two goldfish at the carnival. I was so excited to put them in my dad’s fish tank at home. He was less thrilled about my “poopy goldfish” living in his nice tropical tank. Eventually he caved, because I assume my mom pointed out that a happy wife and kid were more important than his fish tank. Plus “they were just carnival fish so they’d probably die soon anyway,” he said. Those goldfish ended up living for years, including making it through a move to a new house and a new tank. When the last one finally died he was far too big to flush. I asked my dad what he did with it, and he said he just threw it out for the birds. Little me was heartbroken, but my dad hated those goldfish all the way to the end.


latitudesixtysix t1_j65d1ms wrote

My buddy went back to Tasmania and left me her tank. Her fish started breeding and suddenly I had even more fish and a beautifully planted aquarium with co2… great hobby. Sure wish my wifey would allow fish in our new home. I should really just get a nano tank.


juniperwillows t1_j6624ck wrote

Why not fish? I love the sound of my fish tank’s filter running, I always grew up around water and now live in a city so it’s really relaxing to me. I’m planning on adding some more surface greenery after I move and get the tank set up properly again, to add some plant life to my living room


Nobody_special1980 t1_j675a59 wrote

You wish your wife would “allow” fish in your home? WTF?? I can’t believe what some people will put up with.