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Waryur OP t1_j6m3vrz wrote

I'm replacing the entire steam valve + wand setup since the newer versions of Silvia have the wand on a ball joint vs the simple rotation on the old versions. But I'll remember that if the new one leaks!

I own a JX-Pro alongside my Mazzer. Theres nothing wrong with used equipment unless the previous owner was stupid, and the previous owner of my grinder took good care of it. I'm looking to replace the grinder with a DF64, maybe DF64P, because of workflow.

I dunno if I'm at "the right" pressure - I know a guy who owns a late-90s Silvia and his OPV is still at the factory pressure, it hasn't lost pressure over time so I assume I'm also at factory pressure (11 bars or so) - but I'm putting a mod in to be able to pressure profile.