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LiJiCh t1_iwa7ug0 wrote

Helping point someone in the right direction is useless?


Muncie4 t1_iwbuocq wrote

Yes. You are speaking as if non-smart products are the only BIFL products and that's wholly wrong. This is not the luddite subreddit, this is BIFL. Do some non-smart products suck ass? Yes. Do some smart products suck ass? Yes.

As to this topic, which was just recently debated, the overall opinion was that any BP monitor that is integrated into another smart device like a smart watch sucks and users should use a dedicated BP monitor. This is the advice OP needs to hear as they apparently think use via an app is a good thing. And its not in this use case.


LiJiCh t1_iwbzitf wrote

The title of the sub is buy it for life, not buy it for two years until the software is outdated and the product is un-usable forcing you to buy the latest version.

I don’t understand your point.


Muncie4 t1_iwc0alz wrote

You are obfuscating the title for the meaning, read rule 1 here.

And regardless of your opinion on the matter, this sub recommends smart or non-smart products based on lifespan then use case. In this use case, and this one only, the hivemind says get a standalone unit. That doesn't mean that a smart heartbeat monitor or smart bloodsugar monitor doesn't exist...just in this use case that its not wise for a BP monitor.

And if you are the type of person that thinks that all smart things are designed to explode in 2 years with no resolution other than a new purchase, we should not be conversing.