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HappyDutchMan t1_ixtmujo wrote

I agree with not going with Samsung. I had a Samsung washing machine. One day it broke down. It made a specific beeping sequence which sounded like an error code. I studied mechanical engineering and am confident repairing stuff. I contacted Samsung requesting to understand the error. They refused to give any information. Their only option was to send out a technician. If I remember correctly the diagnostic fee was €125,- regardless of it being able to be repaired and the hourly fee was something like €75,- to repair it with a minimum of 1 hour. So if no parts were needed I was looking at €200,- at minimum to fix the thing.

Also no local technicians nor useful information on the Internet.

I bought a Siemens with a small dent in the exterior shell (near the back on the left hand side near the bottom ). It came with 7 years warranty because of a special promotion at the time.