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hoovermeupscotty t1_jcdty9f wrote

Pendleton wool blankets are good. They’re not cheap but you can probably find one on Craigslist. They wear like iron. An Army blanket circa WWII is also very good, especially if you like pea green.


5spd4wd t1_jceek0w wrote

How do those hold up in a washer & dryer?


JustineDelarge t1_jcegek5 wrote

They don’t. You cannot put a Pendleton wool blanket in a washer or dryer.

You can brush them, or hang on a line to air out, or dry clean them.


5spd4wd t1_jcegkxa wrote

That's what I thought. The OP specified a blanket that can go in a washer and dryer.


JustineDelarge t1_jcegryw wrote

Yep. And a Pendleton ain’t it. Awesome blankets, though.


AlienDelarge t1_jcgecal wrote

The ecowise wool ones can go in the washer and dryer without any issues.


SarcasticallySpoken t1_jche3mq wrote

I’ve even washed their regular blankets although with some shrinkage. Woolite, low heat for not too long, extended tumble then finish off by air drying. I also have a speed Queen set that can handle the bulk.