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redvillafranco t1_jc2rcjx wrote

Are 16 pairs of Darn Tough socks really going to last 8 years? I know they have a good warranty. But warranties tend to be a hassle and should have some cost associated with them for your time and effort. Plus, you probably lose a sock or few over 8 years which will prevent some of the warranty claims.


NesterGoesBowling t1_jc8iisd wrote

I got my first 7 pairs of Darn Tough wool socks in 2015. I washed them (inside out) once a week. Then I got another 7 pairs about a year later. Now each pair is worn once every two weeks.

They show no signs of wearing out. I will likely have these socks for another 8 years.

I think OP (/u/Johnpecan) would probably like to know that his plan is solid.


norfizzle t1_jc3995o wrote

Yes they will depending on what you're doing. Warranty is a bit of a hassle, but most premium items are worth a little extra time.

Lose a sock? Buy another pair, wait to lose one, send the remaining two back!