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ManOnTheMun25 t1_jdn1v4o wrote

Gotta be careful with those old ceramics. A lot of em leach lead. Idk about these but just an FYI.
Awesome crockpot otherwise.


brewpubjim OP t1_jdn9hkc wrote

Heard ….. TY


Fragrant_Sort5803 t1_jdoatck wrote

You can check the model online to confirm safety. I have this one and the smaller unit. Both are safe.


rehtulx t1_jdnrxu5 wrote

You can just use crock pot liners…make clean up a lot easier too.


Sylphael t1_jdnxpxz wrote

I've seen some articles calling into question the safety of the liners too, although I haven't done any research to see if there's any veracity to those claims since I use neither a crockpot nor liners.


dcheesi t1_jdolp9n wrote

Well, see, you just have to ask yourself "am I more of an old-school kind of person, who gets OG lead poisoning? Or am I a cutting-edge trendsetter, who gets sick from the latest toxic plastic of the week?"


Giddy_Duck_84 t1_jdo2obk wrote

Cooking something for a long time doesn’t seem great to me, barring lead, I’d rather wash the pot

Edit: cooking it in a plastic liner, obvs. I skip words when i write…


OkayYeahSureLetsGo t1_jdnrpk5 wrote

Yep, my old crockpot failed :( disappointing because they tend to cook more evenly, but was told the newer ones cook hotter because 1) they work better and 2) it's safer. I've moved more towards the pressure cooker since both my old crockpots failed the testing kit.


awooff t1_jdo9vwv wrote

Was the swab test tried here for lead or?


domdiggitydog t1_jdngl64 wrote

Good point. I would stop using it if the finish is worn or chipped in any areas.