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HuguenotPirate t1_jaf08fr wrote

I don't think that's necessary. School shootings happen more in the USA than in other countries, but they are still very rare in the USA. Americans don't need to worry about them so much.


Remarkable-Ranger812 t1_jaf0cze wrote

I had one teacher that used to party pretty hard with us students all Ik is I wouldn’t want him packing


balenciaghoe t1_jaf0d20 wrote

if that was the case shouldnt we all be armed? cause anything can happen doesn’t matter when and where.


twerpenes t1_jaf0dxx wrote

Gotta say if it were maybe 100 years ago that woulda Ben one of the first things to happen


stupidfock t1_jaf0iub wrote

Cops already have way less training than I think necessary. More untrained people with guns isn’t gonna do much in a school.

Discussions would be better spent on better school security and mental health resources


CampusTour t1_jaf0kkb wrote

Bad idea, for the same reasons paramedics don't pack heat in the ambulance, and cops disarm before going to the holding cells.

I realize that the police are so bad that they actually help the school shooters now, but if we need an out of the box security solution, I'd suggest we consider arming the fire department before we talk about teachers. Fire department will get there first, have the tools to enter secured areas, and most importantly, are willing to risk their lives to save innocent people. And since they don't have 30 kids crawling all over them all day, there's less chance for an accident.


FizzyBeverage t1_jaf0r5d wrote

There were plenty of kids in my middle and high school years that an armed teacher would have murdered for their behavior.

Bad idea. Teachers aren’t immune from rage or mental illness. And 25 teens in a class is a perfect catalyst.


CJFrancis282 t1_jaf0rlq wrote

I don’t mind if the teacher volunteers to be armed, but I’m against arming teachers who legitimately don’t want it. People who don’t want guns will only become more nervous around them and that’s when you get accidents


swirly1000x t1_jaf0xbh wrote

Terrible idea, all that will do is get the teachers killed faster because they'll try to use the gun and probably fail bc they don't have training. Also the solution to guns is not more guns, you can't add more flames to the fire and expect it to go out.


a-c-moore t1_jaf1btu wrote

More guns means more gun violence. Teachers did not get into the profession to be put in the position to shoot their students.


Rubysage2 t1_jaf1iwz wrote

Definitely no. When did schools for children turn into maximum security prisons? Surveillance, metal detectors, bag inspections, guns, etc. That's not a route we need to go down.

This creates a society ruled by fear. It's wrong in so many ways.


Jammmmboo t1_jaf1vbq wrote

It’s necessary. How else will they write on chalk boards


KnuckledeepinUrethra t1_jaf2gva wrote

Arming teachers is akin to arming flight attendants. It provides no real safety, an opportunity to be mishandled or stolen, and in the event it would actually need to be used you are more likely to hurt innocent people than save anyone.


geronimoquince t1_jaf2wd3 wrote

It's a fantastic idea. Unlike police officers, teachers are willing to protect children.


mexur t1_jaf2xvh wrote

That's fine, just don't bring that shit to school


ACam574 t1_jaf32il wrote

Yeah I want one the most overworked, underpaid, and disrespected professions in the US with minimal training to carry firearms around my child. All 4 million of them.

Going to guess contract negotiations go slightly differently after awhile.


Hellen_Bacque t1_jaf3cx4 wrote

Some teachers are absolute pricks who shouldn’t even be around kids and you want to give them guns??


RumBunBun t1_jaf3ejx wrote

I had plenty of absent-minded, moronic, drunk, or mentally unstable teachers who could not have been trusted to keep a gun secure. Couple that with a few juvenile delinquent students who would leap at the chance to grab a gun and turn it on the teacher, other students, themselves, and I can only imagine what could go wrong. I agree, very bad idea.


SnooChipmunks126 t1_jaf3hul wrote

I feel like it would just give kids more opportunities to get their hands on a gun. Plus, I don’t want a gun. I’d be more likely to shoot off my own toe than stop an attacker.


Sargonnax t1_jaf3tjm wrote

Only in this country would the answer to mass shootings be keep adding more guns...


Upstairs-Software830 t1_jaf44mu wrote

It’s a great idea. We should also have all the students armed as well. That way whenever there’s a bad kindergartener with a gun, there’s a good kindergartener to balance it out.


TurretX t1_jaf4t72 wrote

I mean itd be hard to point at the blackboard if they didnt have arms so im favor of most teachers being armed. Don't mean to ableist but theres a clear advantage there.


UnsneakableRogue t1_jaf4xul wrote

Considering how little we pay teachers, and how much they are overworked, I don't want them armed near kids.