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WhenAllElseFail t1_jaekdp9 wrote

selling dick pics

does it work out? Let's just say i'm rolling in a massive $2


philosophunc t1_jaeko4u wrote

Ah so we can get paid per inch I see. Lucrative. If I sell fifty of them I could get 25 bucks.

Edit: quick question. Would I be better off trying to sell to fifty people? Or trying to sell fifty to one person? I could make it a bargain. First fifty, get your second fifty free? It's makes it much more appealing don't you think?

Well about as appealing as I can make pictures of my dick.


weirdgroovynerd t1_jaewbuo wrote

The trick is to send out as many free samples as possible.

You know, get them hooked with a free taste.

There's nothing women love more than unsolicited dick pics.


a-c-moore t1_jaelb7y wrote

I do illustrations in return for donations to various charities.


kevinACS t1_jaemduu wrote

Painting apartments. Been slow since winter started, but I grossed 17k in 4 months only working weekends last fall.


LeramG13 t1_jaeo9b6 wrote

Math tutoring


weirdgroovynerd t1_jaeweah wrote

If you don't mind sharing, what do you charge per hour for that?


LeramG13 t1_jaewltt wrote

I just started and it was for family & Friends. 5$/h


weirdgroovynerd t1_jaexlsv wrote

That's very affordable, it's nice you to help them out like that


LeramG13 t1_jaf25a9 wrote

Thanks! Hoping they get me more tutoring with other known people lol.