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WrittenOnYaKitten t1_j6opo1h wrote

Like a dark rainy cloud hovering above you on a sunny summer day


theunknownvoidd t1_j6opv42 wrote

there's this really thin layer between you and happiness and freedom, but you can't get through. No matter how hard you try and how hard you fight, even if you break the layer, the layer grows back. All the time.


TheRealGongoozler t1_j6opyh8 wrote

You feel void of anything. You don’t truly feel anything. It’s not happiness. It’s not sadness. It’s bleak and uoh dont want to move or do anything because “what’s the point” right? You sleep a lot but sometimes you can’t sleep at all, food is difficult to make and sometimes you eat small things just to get by. Your shows, video games, movies, etc that you once loved now seem like a chore to enjoy. You feel like you’re invading your own skin


TheAscendX7 t1_j6opztz wrote

Like I was in a dark room filled with very slowly sinking quick sand.


mrCopiCat t1_j6oq30k wrote

Like living inside a mud bubble, everything feels heavy and hard to do even if you helplesly fight to do it .


rockogz t1_j6oq35e wrote

for me it was bad like all my emotions were just stripped from me and i was a robot after my daughter got sick i got so depressed i stopped talking all together and it was bad


CapG_13 t1_j6oqlwx wrote

Lack of interest in things that I used to like doing and lack of motivation to do much of anything!!!


Even_Ad_5418 t1_j6oruzj wrote

A whirlpool in open water that pulls you down, in which you seem to drown, from which you try to escape but every now and then there comes a bad thought in form of a huge wooden log pushing you further down into it and in a bad case knocks you out if it hits you badly. In the worst case it kills you.


lesovitsa t1_j6oshs1 wrote

You feel like a big pile of dirty laundry - people need things from you, but nobody wants to go near you.

It’s tiring to just exist, because your brain goes into overdrive showing every single bad thing in your life and every single sign that someone may dislike you. And it amplifies them until they tower over you and you cannot escape seeing them.


Logical-Snow-1156 t1_j6oswlz wrote

A black void. You feel like everything you say and do doesn’t matter. Everything seems so disgusting , including yourself. You think you don’t deserve anything, and that you are the worst person to be around and you’ll never get better.

Depression can be a bitch.


emmettfitz t1_j6otuiy wrote

You're outside a house, there's a cool party going on in the house, you can look in the window, see people dancing and having a good time, but you're not invited. If they do let you in, you have to sit in a chair and not interact with anybody. You feel like gravity is pulling on you harder than anyone else. You want to feel happy, but you forgot how. Most days you don't feel anything at all.