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Buldur__Investments t1_iyf5ric wrote

Cus society is soft which is why criminals aren't scared to commit crimes.


Vaginachina t1_iyf5vr9 wrote

Boomer talk.


__The-1__ t1_iyf7bq7 wrote

They aren't wrong tho, in most states the worst thing that can happen is you get a free place to stay for life.


Vaginachina t1_iyf8ae8 wrote

You make it sound like a good thing but being in prison really isn't.


__The-1__ t1_iyfa96c wrote

Nah, but it's not as bad as you think. Beats how alot of people live though


Buldur__Investments t1_iyf65sx wrote

Says the criminal sympathizers


MysteryMan999 t1_iyf6uez wrote

Norway already proved it. When they changed the prison system to be more rehabilitated centered than what we do in the USA their rates of repeat crimes dropped significantly.


Buldur__Investments t1_iyfa6ow wrote

It'd be more convincing if it was done in the US and not another country. How does Norway compare to Chicago or East Oakland


MysteryMan999 t1_iyf6gck wrote

It's a proven fact when you try to rehabilitate criminals and give them skills to be useful in society then repeat offenders goes down. Isn't that shocking that when you treat people like people they actually aren't as much as threat than when they are treated like animals?