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Can-ta-loupe t1_iuk75ib wrote



Deculove OP t1_iuk76y6 wrote

How do I earn it to use different communities?


Can-ta-loupe t1_iuk7d25 wrote

My way is just commenting a lot. All my favorite subs have no threshold for the minimum karma.


CryptVulpix t1_iuk7jip wrote

person say useful or funny thing? updoot number go up


balenciaghoe t1_iuk7qsz wrote

its good if you have a good amount so you're eligible to participate in sub's. after that it's meaningless.

the way I got karma was by posting my real tragic events in my life or commenting a lot. honestly didn't expect them to blow up and I don't really care.. i just vent or comment my thoughts. usually i get downvoted too but like I said it's meaningless after you're able to join certain subreddits.


Grezzinate t1_iuk8lcb wrote

What it is about i must be killing it somehow.


yomama-tm t1_iuk8y4u wrote

Near as I can tell, people can use them to pay rent, afford luxuries, and generally feel better about themselves.

I haven't found what places accept reddid karma as currency, but I'm sure they exist as hard as some people get upset when they don't get as much.