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rachelgraychel t1_j99q2dr wrote

Nice lol. But if you really want to give it that special r/art touch, you can't just call it "naked dude."

You have to give it a title like "contemplation" or "pathos" or something that sounds serious but has little to do with the artwork, to give it that veneer of legitimacy so people can pretend it has a deeper meaning than "hey.. Look at that D."


-little-dorrit- t1_j99u2wt wrote

I actually think “hey.. look at that d” would work so well as a title. It’s ambitious, confronting us with our motives for looking, while also laying the artist’s motives bare. It’s “real” and thick with irony (- is that pretentious enough?)


Spirited_Sun_9904 t1_j9dzjk9 wrote

Maybe “epidermis”. Sounds pretentious but is actually just another name for skin.