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newocean t1_j6nj3s2 wrote

I'm not usually as skeptical... in this case I was! There seems to be another artist by the same name who does religious paintings... so at first glance I was getting more and more skeptical.

The first video I saw was here:

...and I was a bit confused by it... is just applying a glaze to a photo? There is a picture of him holding a brush but you never see any actual progress.

Then I hit the first video I posted and my mind was blown.


Genericlurker678 t1_j6oz66e wrote

I'm possibly too naive and trusting so I figured if OP said it was a painting then it must be so, but yeah I specifically came to the comments to look for some kind of proof because my brain was refusing to accept it. I assumed it would have to be bloody huge to get that level of detail in so I was right about that at least.