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12PoundTurkey OP t1_j5zh04r wrote

It started as an exploration of how I repress feelings that I find uncomfortable but it ended up as an expression of my anxieties.


DrakPhenious t1_j614w22 wrote

Heck one can see the oppression of women in its composition as well. Beautiful and evoking.


REB3LxSOUL t1_j61nz1q wrote

Fuck, this is exactly what I felt looking at this.



Cheapskate-DM t1_j5zkaw0 wrote

Notch one victory against the machine. Thank you for reminding us why humans need to paint.

Stay above water and keep 'em coming!


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j5znxr3 wrote

Thank you! My next one is about the relationship between pain, anger and despair


LehdaRi t1_j60qbpc wrote

This is incredible. So rarely does a surrealist piece stimulate such an intense range of emotions. The composition, colours and flow of details is impeccable. I haven't seen quite anything like this before.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j60qxnk wrote

Thank you! I'm trying to paint how things feel rather than how they look :)


mycatsnameisGohan t1_j60o8rd wrote

This makes me feel like I need fresh air, it’s suffocating. Well done!


Ijustgotbitchinshoes t1_j5zmc9b wrote

I was going to guess this has themes of womanhood and how it effects ones life. With the very yonic, vaginal looking imagery in places and red, bloodlike, almost womby imagery in others. Possibly about the horrors of reproduction or not consenting to ones creating. Maybe that is still a part of it but it doesn't seem to jive with Op's explanation. Maybe what I see was intended but as a metaphor for the cycle of repression and release akin to the cycle of building the uterin wall before shedding it in menstruation. Still that is my blind interpretation from just seeing it on its own as a work of art, death of the artist style, before reading their comment explaining it.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j5znh7v wrote

Hey I don't dictate what it means I just hold the brush. If that's what you get out of it, it's just as right as my interpretation.


GammaKnife4444 t1_j5zxlui wrote

Makes me think of people dying at their death bed to suffocation from ventilators. As if a genocide of people was intentionally silenced. Scary


woofbarfvomit t1_j6102hn wrote

It's a roulette clicking on a nsfw picture here. Art like this is why I keep taking my chances! Breathtakingly visceral. Reminds me somewhat of berserk!


Lazerweight t1_j5ztfyf wrote

Wow this is amazing. Both idea and execution!


Sea-Zookeepergame997 t1_j61qaav wrote

A beautiful post modern painting!

What I observe here with respect to your interpretation....

  1. Colours here are dark and from extreme end of VIBGYOR spectrum, Red to indigo- bluish dominate. Shows extremity of repression from trust issues to anger, escaping, to forcible unintentional introversion and existential crisis

  2. Drowning of subjects shown here, in the sea of suffering ( reference maybe to river Acheron and Cocytus). Women shown drowing with chain and pushed by chain of hands on her eyes may depict feminine hypocrisy, Female oppression, semblance slavery and more.

  3. Mangrove tree or blood vessels encircled to bodies and skulls especially forsaken people. Bluish tinch may depict deoxygenated blood, slowly causing death due to obstruction, asphyxiation around toxic environment and support failure from loved ones.

  4. Showing Evil versus the sufferer's who want to come out of abyss or Evil vs the corrupt souls or Government conspiracy vs people's right to know, right to truth, right to information, right to personal liberty and many more.

  5. If you make the picture upside down, it seems as if there are numerous hands trying to get the women in chains out of sea by clamping the hand on the head. Basic idea - Realisation of truth, fight from oppression and repression.

  6. Also can notice blood red moon and setting sun showing loss of hope and gradual tread towards difficult phase and abyss. Hands can be seen which are either suffocating some souls and some of them trying to get out.

There are many things to tell and explain here because for each person they have their own interpretation, but for a painter his own interpretation to his painting has certain background significance like, as to in what state the painter has painted, or what was the painter going through or observing along while painting, gives us clue of social, cultural, psychological and physiological effects in the particular place, time, country and tradition.

Themes - Chronic Anxiety, Repression of feelings, overprotection, abuse, Utilitarianism, opportunism, perfectionism and overthinking.

These are the interpretation i felt you may probably have. I'm sure a painter who paints on these subjects are themselves unsure or unaware of the magic they are creating as they have thousands things in head which come on canvas with beautiful motifs and imagery. I though do paint on such subjects and also most of the time unaware of the messages too on my painting.

Hope to get your reviews. Beautiful painting indeed! Keep painting.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j61s8ca wrote

Hey thats a really nice breakdown, some of these interpretations really resonate with me.


DoucheBear t1_j65d767 wrote

I wholeheartedly loved this observation. Thank you for writing this out.

I really want this covering my wall lol. Absolutely stunning /u/12PoundTurkey


Ninjuhdelic t1_j6051w2 wrote

pretty jaw dropping not gunna lie, wow!


Ravi5ingh t1_j60r0mn wrote

Damn this is a stunning work of art!


AsOneLives t1_j61gu1r wrote

This is fucking beautiful. I wish I had a large version of thus in my home


jackrack1721 t1_j61lzz4 wrote

I think you subconsciously painted Jesus drowning you


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j61u70m wrote

Maybe, I did have this thought that it could represent how we fight the fears that are trying to drown the best parts of our nature.


real_humen t1_j61ce5n wrote

Best I've seen on here in a while. Keep it up.


morphindel t1_j61h6om wrote

Well thats harrowing. I love it.


blueheartsadness t1_j61nvsx wrote

Ok wow I have no words. I feel this on a deep level. You captured and created so well. And your use of colors is absolutely brilliant. What looks like the sun is actually just the yellow part of our innards. It's gut-wrenching and devastating art. Very visceral. You are very good at what you do. Seems theraputic or cathartic to do art like this.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j61t7su wrote

I make these paintings over the course of months and they sit in my living room ever present. I feel like I learn a lot about myself through the process. Some sessions are refreshing, other really kick the shit out of me. In this one I came close to hyperventilating a few times while painting. I always seem to figure something important about how I feel during the process.


ZoeHorseless t1_j63m9j9 wrote

l have been looking at this for 10 minutes and l'm feeling confused but also intrigued


Quirky_Permission818 t1_j63rnwz wrote

This is an amazing piece of work- this is exactly how I have been feeling...burnt out from work, barely staying afloat in the hustle of the rat race. Excellent composition and use of colour!


Ed_Kelley t1_j61hovf wrote

This is great! And the first popular art post ive seen in ages that’s not a naked lady.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j61ucv1 wrote

Thank you! But it is technically a naked lady...


Ed_Kelley t1_j63vv7w wrote

Yeah but that’s not like the solitary thing to look at, there’s so much other cool stuff that it blends well into the whole


CanopyGains t1_j61n7st wrote

This is amazing! What size is it?


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j61tfoh wrote

24"x36", like poster size. I have a few ideas for huge paintings but my condo wont allow for it. But I'm moving soon so I might be able to go larger :)


CanopyGains t1_j63eual wrote

Thats awesome. Do you plan on doing prints? It would be cool to get a copy of this.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j63m0jq wrote

Yes I'm planning doing those soonish :)


ForgottenPercentage t1_j6548fe wrote

I would also be interested in a print. Is there sign up for prints so I don't forget about this amazing piece?


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j658y70 wrote

You can follow me I guess. I haven't set up a mailing list or a shop yet.


BookNerd00 t1_j61sv5g wrote

Damn. This is effing amazing! I had to zoom in so I could peep all the detail. Phenomenal.


yan_420 t1_j62lzo9 wrote

This made me feel very, very, very uncomfortable. I clicked away, then remembered what good painting was all about and came back to bask in your glorious anxiety-inducing art. Congratulations


bestestdude t1_j62q8ml wrote

Amazing work! So many details. 😮 Colors/shading are top notch!


flaotte t1_j62vrj9 wrote

its amazing. how bis is it?


AngieGreg t1_j63xaa6 wrote

That piece is Excellent & Imaginative. It reeks of meaning, whether its subversive or overt. You can see the perspective from the Victim and the Assailant. Very well done.


roboticDem-2699 t1_j63yvs2 wrote

I can't understand what it's happening but this is absolutely beaudiful


MLGw2 t1_j643rl0 wrote

Feels weird to say "this is awesome" considering the subject matter, but it is awesome.


Ytumith t1_j64big5 wrote

You don't wanna drown your sorrows, but nice forearms


tbrex8 t1_j65d8c6 wrote

This fucking sweet, how large is it and how long did it take?


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j65g0y2 wrote

24''x36'' and it took about a hundred hours over the course of four months


tbrex8 t1_j65mnq6 wrote

Crazy, that’s dedication right there. I haven’t attempted a large painting yet, not sure I have the focus to stick with one that long haha


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j65n91w wrote

I want to go bigger but I don't have the space right now


tbrex8 t1_j65nr0p wrote

Hurry up and find space, the world needs giant art!


Trevor_NewJerusalem t1_j62awd4 wrote

It's fine till you see the nipple.


compsciasaur t1_j62v3br wrote

Nudity is so offensive to a subset of r/art commenters. I'll never understand why.


Trevor_NewJerusalem t1_j63p6pj wrote

Nudity has no place in art. There is plenty of art that should not exist.


12PoundTurkey OP t1_j642a9o wrote

That is an interesting statement. Genuinely interested, why does the human form in it's natural form not have it's place in art?


jib_reddit t1_j632ybz wrote

Everyone was born naked with nippels.


Trevor_NewJerusalem t1_j63p39x wrote

Doesn't make it ok to display them. Don't be so depraved.