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gr00vyyy t1_j0maykp wrote

Very nice! My one critique is the image feels cramped by the size of the paper. Next time consider using a piece of paper that’s bigger than you think you need, and then cropping it down if necessary.


Huskya21 OP t1_j0mdio3 wrote

Yeah I tend to run into this a lot, I know how to deal with it but I usually don’t spend much time on my drawings since they’re just for fun (:


gr00vyyy t1_j0mfug3 wrote

That’s a bit of a blasé response to constructive criticism. Even if they’re “just for fun,” you are still presenting them to an audience online, and therefore the experience of that audience should matter. Believe me, it’s possible to both have fun with your work and also take the time to maximize its visual impact for the people you are implicitly inviting to have an experience with it. If you don’t care about the experience of the viewer, you’re free to not show it to anyone, post it online, or put it in a gallery.


Huskya21 OP t1_j0misya wrote

I appreciate your criticism and know that following it will improve my work! I was just stating the reason as to why my stuff may have this issue (:


gr00vyyy t1_j0mjy49 wrote

Ah ok, I guess I misunderstood your comment. Thanks for clarifying, and best of luck with your work!


Cold_Character_4273 t1_j0n91g1 wrote

Oh no you didn’t! (This is not meant in a mean way btw, i love this so much) Just came back from watching Alex Myers reaction and can’t breathe


Huskya21 OP t1_j0n9ra6 wrote

Thank you so much! I don’t know what the Alex Myers reaction is but if you DM it me I’ll watch it! (:


Cold_Character_4273 t1_j0na5zp wrote

He is basically this person on yt who reacts and diagnoses new movies and stuff


moobycow t1_j0nci60 wrote

This is super cool, I love the style. Thanks for sharing.


CoopedUpHermit t1_j0pow76 wrote

Poor cricket looks quite perturbed! I love how you colored it, it adds to the whimsical feeling.


Huskya21 OP t1_j0pqq9m wrote

Thank you! I could have done him a bit darker but I have limited colour mixing/ painting knowledge in general so I’m surprisingly happy with how it turned out!