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S-Vagus t1_iw91msn wrote

Daughter, why all these time-travelling messages about the woman you will grow into? I can't control how your mother locks me out of your life. However it is nice to know you're happy.


Famixofpower t1_iwb5tdt wrote

What the hell?


S-Vagus t1_iwdb26f wrote

It is called providing an inspired monologue based on the impact that the art piece left. I was unaware that the Art section of Reddit was unaware of how art appreciation occurs or the potential impacts that can occur on a given audience member.


Famixofpower t1_iwezdvo wrote

Get some help


S-Vagus t1_iwf34fa wrote

With how boring and uninspired Reddit truly is? Isn't that everyone's responsibility as part of any community? But sure if you need me to star in your "I'm worried for you as a human" fantasies make sure I'm wearing a cheerleader's outfit. "Go you!"


Psycho_Ravager OP t1_iwb82wl wrote



S-Vagus t1_iwdb8sf wrote

Story is a reflective artform. I can pad it out to help provide better context if you wish however as I was only given light all I can return is story. Some audiences require serious guidance and handholding to be taken through the creative process.

If it is easier for you then hello, artist of this image. My estranged wife and daughter of 5 years, a daughter I was there for the birth of, are a truth of my life. Whenever I am exposed to images or things that I can interpret as my daughter in some obscure way I engage my storyteller to help the art I perceive provide therapy to my situation.

As art as always been.
