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Dyspaereunia t1_iy3ei4a wrote

Took me a bit to figure out that was a big toe.


NiNj4_C0W5L4Pr t1_iy3xebw wrote

Thought she was "tucking it back" like Ray Finkle.


EvilBeat t1_iy3z8d2 wrote



DEATHbyBOOGABOOGA t1_iy5icdq wrote

It was all that Dan Marino's fault. Everybody knows that. If he had held the ball laces out like he was supposed to Ray never would have missed that kick. Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell.


00fez t1_iy3m4sz wrote

Haha youā€™re quick. Came in to write that.


fearme101 t1_iy3mnsj wrote

yeahhhh i would just remove that part lol


Azrael9986 t1_iy4hcb5 wrote

Yeah the dick toe kinda had me like. Squints and then laughs as he relizes its toes. Okay lighting matters a lot. XD


Marilyn1512 t1_iy3hcgi wrote

I love the atmosphere in this one. The light is very pretty!


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3hk22 wrote

Thank you! I have a big ā€œfog volumeā€ in the scene that scatters the light, makes it hazy and gives it depth.


ralphonsob t1_iy4puc4 wrote

> I have a big ā€œfog volumeā€ in the scene

That's no way to talk about that lady's bottom.


fudog1138 t1_iy4ggqh wrote

I've not taken pictures with any sincerity in 35+ years. I'd like to get back into photography. Thinking of trying humans this time around Sorry for the simple question. How did you use fog in this shot?
I don't see any fog or distortion on the model. Is that a filter after the shit was taken? Sorry šŸ˜. Thanks for your time, nice work.


AirDinkum t1_iy4okqd wrote

Itā€™s not a photo. The picture was created on a 3D program, like Cinema 4D or something.


losbadhombres OP t1_iy4u0sn wrote

It's all in Cinema 4D and the whole thing is 3Dā€”no photography. The fog volume is just a giant cube of fog in the background with more density and another one with much lower fog density in the foreground.

Also I have two lights: one is a daylight simulator right at sunrise which is allowing the BG fog to glow, and the other one is a giant softbox that is working as my key light. Has a pretty low Kelvin.


I-am-Mihnea t1_iy6cpwi wrote

Just a tip, you can tell it's 3D from the white cloth and the bend in her neck!


pinkpitbull t1_iy3rnq8 wrote

These are so renaissance like! Do you draw from models?


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3sbbd wrote

These are 3D, so there's no drawing per se. I may sketch out a pose idea that I'm working through, but typically I create 3D models using some references, but as for posing them, that can happen a number of ways like an original idea or emulating another artists model pose. You could say that a 3D model acts like a real model because you can pose them and keep tweaking their position until you get exactly what you want.


pinkpitbull t1_iy3suaw wrote

That's kinda crazy to me because I don't know much about all this.

Your art is incredible for all the hard work you put into it though


137-M t1_iy4le6y wrote

It says 3D in the title... how do you miss that?


pinkpitbull t1_iy4oozr wrote

Yeah but I wanted to know what the base of the art was, as in if it was made with a model posing for it or just through software itself.


Vacuum-energy t1_iy3m4ns wrote

Whatā€™s the disc thing around her head?

Looks beautiful by the way!


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3ma9z wrote

A halo. I like incorporating halos in my pieces, sometimes for no reason other than I just like how it looks.


Dudefenderson t1_iy5yh11 wrote

Like the God Helios or The Good Shepherd. šŸ¤”

Anyway, is beautiful. šŸ‘


Pato_Lucas t1_iy4c75y wrote

Nicely done, but IMHO that halo has to be around that holy ass!


AgreeableFeed9995 t1_iy5ety3 wrote

The assā€™s hole is usually best to be covered, stylistically speaking.


badpeaches t1_iy62apd wrote

I can't wait till you learn how to paint clothing on women.


Floater1157 t1_iy3je4f wrote

Nice work dude. I wish I could create the human form this well.


infinitemortis t1_iy3mowz wrote

3D? How? Do you have any good tutorials for that level of madtery?


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3qfj7 wrote

No sorry I don't. There's a lot of really good Cinema 4D and Octane Render tuts out there. That's how I learned how to do things.


infinitemortis t1_iy3vmv9 wrote

You probably get this alot, but what progam did you work in?


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3x770 wrote

DAZ Studio, (but I would recommend ZBrush if I were to start over), Cinema 4D, and Octane Render.


420blazeit960 t1_iy4dj66 wrote

First glance I thought that was a penis lmaoo but beautifulšŸ˜ā¤


cipri_tom t1_iy5fd5w wrote

Newb question: if it's 3D, does it mean you can turn the camera to another angle?

It's interesting that you chose this angle, not a cm more to the right or left.


losbadhombres OP t1_iy5fyr8 wrote

Yes I can move the camera all around. I chose this exact spot because the curve of back and side of face was at the angles I wanted. A little bit to the left or right quickly changes the leading lines and how the light plays off them.


newaccount47 t1_iy5msy8 wrote

I kinda feel like the muscles on her back and neck would be different with the way that her head is turned and the way her weight is distributed.


lurker1101 t1_iy6p8x1 wrote

Humans are infinitely variable and built with layers of different substances. 3D mannequins/poseable models...not so much (but always getting more realistic).


MazenAyman t1_iy5ojzr wrote

imagine spending time in this beautiful mesmerizing painting only for some degenerate redditor to use it as jack off material, because i know for a fact some sick fuck out there did it


BrightOnT1 t1_iy5pvbk wrote

why does your mind go to that, maybe its the rotund ass in your face


lurker1101 t1_iy6pid1 wrote

I hadn't imagined that.
Why'd ya ruin a good thing with your imaginings?


MazenAyman t1_iy81hbm wrote

scroll to the comments dude you will see multiple people lol


sharksnut t1_iy5xy8l wrote

What a lovely back, all the way down.

The female back is so underappreciated in pop culture


RoughBeardBlaine t1_iy3lsdj wrote

Fantastic job. Was this made in Blender?


losbadhombres OP t1_iy3n2cl wrote

I donā€™t use Blender. I use DAZ studio for the model and pose, then I drag it into Cinema 4D for scene building and finish with Octane Render for the materials and lighting (which takes the majority of time).


Theunknownbilphist t1_iy413ym wrote

Wow Iā€™d love to see a video of your progress and flow. Very cool indeed!


nippleduster7 t1_iy40ogw wrote

Absolutely amazing. I canā€™t stop looking at this.


jericho t1_iy5uzfi wrote

Is this sub getting bombed by religious nutjobs?

It seems every picture with some skin gets several weird comments.


briareus08 t1_iy60wjl wrote

Impressive work! This is like a renaissance painting.


dansker333999 t1_iy64k4d wrote

Absolutely fucking gorgeous! šŸ”„šŸŒ¹

Amazing job ā¤ļø


cia_nagger229 t1_iy3r00k wrote

it looks like a painting. would be trippy if suddenly the perspective shifted a little


TheBman26 t1_iy4mdtr wrote

Love it. Does 3D mean it's a 3D model? Just curious. Love the work though.


Strong_Grape31 t1_iy5na1x wrote

Wow another random naked woman. Groundbreaking stuff here. Really pushing the bounds of artistic expression.


Bendinggrass t1_iy67tcf wrote

Thank you so much.

This is very beautiful.

You mentioned the programs you use... why would you use Daz Studio, or Cinema 4D(?) or one over another. I would really appreciate you musing over that for us. Where can I find more of your images-artwork?


whitehawk295 t1_iy5dbtb wrote

I straight up did not think that was her foot šŸ¤£


vel_anandh t1_iy5nhcz wrote

This is amazing work in 3D!

And it just feels like a painting.


DunebillyDave t1_iy6hzu9 wrote

What is the subject? There's a beautiful naked woman with a saintly halo around her head. What's the context?


TrouserSnake88 t1_iy6u65q wrote

I had to zoom in to figure out that that was actually her foot/toeā€¦


SaintNord t1_iy6x1j6 wrote

Is the women depicted the same as in ā€œLa Venere Sedutaā€?


losbadhombres OP t1_iy6x6af wrote

Itā€™s a different model


SaintNord t1_iy6xn6f wrote

I see. Iā€™m looking through a lot your work and Iā€™m trying to tell which of them are the same XD All beautiful work btw. Never stop!


KillaHertz1 t1_iy716w8 wrote

That is absolutely incredible


Tegdag t1_iy760m7 wrote

I love how you added the jewelry. Such a wonderful small detail.


QuantumRobot_9000 t1_iy763q0 wrote

I did not think that was a toe at first. Did a double take.


ReiTomen t1_iy7tngr wrote

Woman be holding up too much cake


criscrunk t1_iy62iqg wrote

Biblically accurate cheeks.


r4plez t1_iy78fow wrote

She should be dead already, No1 can bend neck that hard


tails_fly_weee t1_iy5uj0j wrote

Its veey hight quality just, i dont get it, in sich a moment, a sex one, i mean (u can see the d***) Why she has the (ring on head, i forgot how to say it in english). Bevause sex is one if the sins, unless after marry


Behind_You_Sir t1_iy5f9sg wrote

Do you model anything else besides naked women in your spare time? Fucking Christ. Get blocked.


danidr t1_iy5jzoo wrote

Just imagine saying that to Botticelli.


Strong_Grape31 t1_iy5nejv wrote

Imagine comparing this to Botticelli. You get out too.


danidr t1_iy5q8w4 wrote

Where did I compare this to Botticelli? All Iā€™m saying is that he drew naked women too. OP was cricitizing based on that, not on the artistic merit. So, YOU get out too :)


Ockwords t1_iy5ud4p wrote

OP didn't draw this


danidr t1_iy5v77i wrote

ā€¦ he didnā€™t? I guess he just typed ā€œnaked woman with haloā€ into Dallā€¢E then?


Ockwords t1_iy5vs3h wrote

I mean he literally didnā€™t? Itā€™s a 3D RENDER. Not a drawing.


danidr t1_iy5wfm5 wrote

Define drawing then.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, itā€™s ā€œto make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or penā€. Therefore, an oil painting is technically not drawn.

Or you could use the loose meaning of creating the representation of something on a 2D plane; and in that case, he DID draw. According to his description (and having worked with 3D renderings myself), it is a lengthy and creative process.

If youā€™re an artist, I hope you didnā€™t comment ā€œOP didnā€™t draw thisā€ in a derogatory way, because it would show little respect for the creative work of another human being.

If that was not your intention though, all good :)


Ockwords t1_iy5xevl wrote

> Define drawing then.

Sure. Drawing: Not a render.


> Therefore, an oil painting is technically not drawn.

Correct, we call those paintings lol

> Or you could use the loose meaning of creating the representation of something on a 2D plane

Taking a photo is also not drawing.

> If youā€™re an artist, I hope you didnā€™t comment ā€œOP didnā€™t draw thisā€ in a derogatory way, because it would show little respect for the creative work of another human being.

Just because they're an artist doesn't mean I have to respect their work. I didn't say he wasn't an artist, I just said it wasn't a drawing, it's a render. It's a completely different process.


MorkSkogen666 t1_iy3oq3t wrote

Insert Is that a penis?! gif


Martyrsong t1_iy3zg9g wrote

It's her toes, tho I wish it was like you said šŸ˜”
