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sinnombre_2023 t1_je63sol wrote

amazing! how long did this take? It’s so intricate and detailed!


Hlantaart OP t1_je6b0w5 wrote

Thanks! It took about 24-26 hours


Blandish06 t1_je6tuzu wrote

Pretty cool! What does it look like before the strings are attached? How many feet of string does it be?


Hlantaart OP t1_je8mg48 wrote

Thanks! I've posted process video of this one in another social medias, as for the threads, there're about 600-700 meters


[deleted] t1_je87cwy wrote



Cunt_Bag t1_je89k0a wrote

Nope. They have other things on their profile, including with themselves in the photo. They even have a sketch done for this piece. They're just good at this.


Hlantaart OP t1_je91522 wrote

Actually, I'm the one person, and yes, I did it by myself from sketch to the final result. And thanks for your compliments!


Cunt_Bag t1_je93lee wrote

Hey no worries, I was using they as I didn't want to assume gender from the quick scroll I did. You're super talented, sorry people are quick to jump on the AI bandwagon!


Hlantaart OP t1_je93qv3 wrote

Thank you! People often think that I use AI or algorithms, it frustrates me.


seihmusic t1_je5ll5h wrote

I don't even see how that's possible!! You can tell right away exactly who it is!! Stellar work!


StatusAd279 t1_je6aux8 wrote

Miss that guy! I’m so glad they’ve been releasing their tracks from awhile back to help keep his spirit alive. Great job on the art! It looks amazing!


Daisychains30 t1_je5vyx6 wrote

Dude are you an alien? How can a human do this? Great job


paktsardines t1_je85scv wrote

No, not alien, OP is a computer program. You feed an image into it and it tells you exactly where to place the strings. For example.

Still looks cool though.


ozgar t1_je8e47d wrote

Nobody thus far in the comments seems to have understood that that app you linked on github gives the coordinates to place the strings.

I did.

So you got that going for ya, which is nice,

Edit: Above linked app is like Lego instructions for inputting a picture and it creates the points and lines map for you. Paint by numbers .exe.

>This tool generates string art from any picture of your choice. Pegs are first placed on the frame, and then a single-color thread is repeatedly ran from peg to peg in a straight line. The stacked segments progressively recreate the original image. This process was popularized by Petros Vrellis.

>The monochrome mode uses a single thread, while the color mode uses 3 distinct threads. The result can be exported in the SVG format.


RTJMFer t1_je8mhom wrote

This is awesome. I'm going to tell myself that I'm going to try it and then I'll never end up doing it.


Hlantaart OP t1_je91gll wrote

I didn't use any soft in my works except for Gimp 2.0 to make a grid for a sketch. I use threads like an oil paint or pencils and "draw" with them. If it was a classic oil portrait you wouldn't doubt if it was made by an AI or human. What's the difference?


Cunt_Bag t1_je89nhc wrote

It's real. They have other portraits on their profile including with themselves in the photo. They even have a sketch for this piece.


paktsardines t1_je8mmdo wrote

I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. History tells me that was probably my fault.

The way it works is that you supply an image to a program (probably the one I linked to) and the program gives you a set of instructions for where to place every string and what colour string to use to recreate the image as a real-life string picture (which is what OP is showing here). So OP is not so much an alien, more someone who is good at following the instructions generated by a computer program.


LuciferK9 t1_je8oplo wrote

Did OP say he used a program? Because this is definitely something you can do without using one. I've known former prisoners than learnt to do this type of art in prison and their work can be almost as impressive without computer help.

If you don't have proof that OP uses a computer program, then your comment is quite rude


vivibuni t1_je87y55 wrote

idk, it looks real to me. i was zoomed in looking at the way the strings are connected to which pole things... looks nothing like what u linked


djddy t1_je8o83f wrote

they’re not saying it’s fake they’re saying op used this program to map out where the strings go


Hlantaart OP t1_je91nt0 wrote

No, I haven't used any programs. I've got years of practice. There's no difference to me to use threads or oils/pastel/acrylic paint


djddy t1_je9i9qt wrote

i didn’t think you did honestly. i just wanted to clarify what the other commenter meant. your artwork is amazing btw.


vivibuni t1_je9ifcl wrote

oh ty for explanation of what they meant! i didnt understand


i_love_pesto t1_je73398 wrote

The only celebrity death that actually effected me. Great work and thank you so much for sharing!


lxs0713 t1_je73cnl wrote

Same here. Linkin Park was everything to me when I was growing up and when the news came out of his death it hit me like a ton of bricks. He'll be missed


Oizys_Ghost8592 t1_je5ys7h wrote

God! Didn’t even knew this method existed. It’s truly amazing! Congrats!


DiasFlac42 t1_je6o0j6 wrote

Now this. This is art. It’s wonderful, OP. RIP Chester. You helped so many of us through a rough time in our lives.


Tritycippy t1_je7ci8h wrote

r/LinkinPark would enjoy this


10strip t1_je7f4ms wrote

So would r/sbubby in recent weeks, with another couple weeks left to go, but in the end, it doesn't even matter.


wubbwubbb t1_je89g98 wrote

i’ve been following that guys posts religiously. what a commitment


mellowcello312 t1_je5n506 wrote

Whoaaaaaa! This is absolutely wild and amazing


Axle_65 t1_je6n7pm wrote

That’s insane. You should send a shot of this to the band. I think they’d love it. Well done.


BrownAndyeh t1_je6d334 wrote

..look up Chester singing at Chris Cornell's funeral. Dope.


iguesssoppl t1_je6p1en wrote

You like paint the thread after? or before? how does this even work? Good job btw.


Mischa204 t1_je7a2td wrote

I think it's after...


Hlantaart OP t1_je8m77v wrote

There's no paint (except the board and the nail-caps) I used threads of different colours and mixed them


sameol_sameol t1_je6pzph wrote

I can’t comprehend the amount of patience required for this lol. Great piece!


MegamanExecute t1_je7l2oj wrote

Super nice!

(Also has some "Waiting for the end" vibes)


Castlewarss t1_je7ur7a wrote

Beautiful. May he rest in peace.


5p4c37r166 t1_je81xep wrote

It starts with one string I don’t know why


Hlantaart OP t1_je8nd8l wrote

It doesn't even matter how hard you tie


Weixian t1_jed1ik4 wrote

Keep that in mind I designed these ties with dye.


Adam_Ohh t1_je660xx wrote

Good golly this is INSANE!!!

Well freaking done, wow.


Weixian t1_je6gqot wrote

I'd like this, but I'm just so... numb.


FlacidBarnacle t1_je70phf wrote

Hooooly mother of Chester this is glorious


AnniKatt t1_je712ta wrote

Holy snickerdoodles this is absolutely amazing. I never thought portraits would be possible with string, let alone portraits that are instantly recognizable.


Relsneh_666 t1_je716lt wrote

A string may have took him out but it's string that brought him back


Annihilator4life t1_je7hifl wrote

I did a VERY simple one of these and it killed my fingers. Did it wreck yours!?


Hlantaart OP t1_je8mz7k wrote

Only at the beginning. My fingers are used to it now.


Annihilator4life t1_je9d90x wrote

Amazing work. I’m an artist too and I’ve never understood how people like you can see the final outcome of pieces like this!


Hlantaart OP t1_je9fsrf wrote

Practice makes perfect. I'm doing string art since 2018


OkBid1535 t1_je8vcnt wrote

This is absolutely stunning! He would love it. A true legend gone far too soon


margaretartstuff t1_je6sraw wrote

Wow this is so amazing 👏 how long did it took you to make it?


StickyPLOP t1_je6vu4h wrote

RIP buddy. You helped me get through so much. Wish I coulda helped you.


shadowmage666 t1_je72rz1 wrote

This is actually insanely detailed must have taken a long time to make. Very nice work


Heatho14 t1_je73zeu wrote

Rest in peace you absolute legend, changed so many lives.


Faithless195 t1_je75t4r wrote

I wasn't a fan of their later albums which had less screaming,. Chester had a fucking beautiful voice, but he also had some amazing metal screams on him, too.

That said, that's legit awesome for being just string. The stuff people can make images out of is awesome.


SliptPsyki t1_je75twk wrote

This is amazing. Wow. Truly. I just have no words.


Destinesiya t1_je7bym1 wrote

I feel like I should be paying to see this masterpiece. Wow. Great job!!


leftysrevenge t1_je7bz76 wrote

Crawling in my string, these walls they will not nail


Lazairahel t1_je7e4dy wrote

Amazing, doesn't begin to describe this. As someone who has done a bit of string work, I just don't see how this was even possible. You are extremely talented.


BreastUsername t1_je7foua wrote

His skin... Is something crawling on it?


MuttinMT t1_je7i62s wrote

What a fascinating piece. I wish I could see it in person. The skin tones are so realistic, but up close are all those subtle shadings using criss-crossing string. Just wonderfully cool.

Reminds me a lot of a Seurat painting—pointillism. The first time I saw a Seurat at a gallery, I was amazed at how the painting looked so different for each few inches the viewer moved forward. Until I got with a few inches (or as close as I could get without the guard growling at me), then the colors stood out individually. So intricate.


Gravey91 t1_je7je13 wrote

I'm stunned Awesome piece of art!


Draxzi t1_je7lh2q wrote

Omg that's fantastic! Very nice work.


DiligentHelicopter60 t1_je7nd2i wrote

I love this so much! He’s from Lincoln Park right? Man, what a horrible tragedy. I wish we could have done something for him.


SirAdrian0000 t1_je7sdrt wrote

Nice work! What is the dimension of this work? Are those thumb tacks the string is wrapped around?


Hackerboy360 t1_je7tf0t wrote

It's amazing, you should post it on r/linkinpark


BunBison t1_je7u3mp wrote

This is awesome. Would love to see a time-lapse of it.

RIP chester . Happy 20th anniversary to meteora


purplegrape28 t1_je7vf2k wrote

Thank you for your contribution 🙏🏼 RIP


kiwanyuh t1_je7xln9 wrote

S t u n n i n g 🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱 It looks like a lot of hard work, and it’s p e r f e c t. I think it would have made him happy 💙


Moobob66 t1_je7xp8p wrote

If you're gonna honor him, please make sure you mention what he was trying to say before unaliving himself.


Brandillio t1_je7y8fh wrote

“With meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” I can hear this art 😌


2SexesSeveralGenders t1_je81t41 wrote

Whenever Given Up comes on the radio, I have to try that long scream


Dire-Dog t1_je839lu wrote

Aww fuck I miss Chester so much


OkSelection6998 t1_je89juf wrote

RIP Legend. The 2 new previously unreleased tracks for Meteora 20th anniversary have been on repeat.


FirstQuantumImmortal t1_je8deiu wrote

What a young age to go. Atleast he left a legendary impression before he went. Looks amazing, by the way.


xPlacentapede t1_je8eamw wrote

Oh some artwork of Ches -


Did that picture have sound?


funguyshy t1_je8ig8m wrote

Can you do a video on how you do this?


InternalEagle5200 t1_je8mari wrote

How big is this? I actually need the banana this time


HallowweenHovercraft t1_je8o9zk wrote

If only he was alive to see this. What a legend. May he rest in peace


Lukan4art t1_je8qllh wrote

Wow,that’s an amazing piece!


Cece_5683 t1_je8w9h0 wrote

Damn I really miss that dude 😕


CreativismUK t1_je95hm8 wrote

This is amazing work - how do you even begin to learn to do this? I have made lots of portraits with layers of cut paper but just blows my mind.


Hlantaart OP t1_je95s4a wrote

I'm drawing with different mediums since 2008 It was 2018 and I was frustrated after Chester passed away, and a friend of mine said that people do butterflies, ships and stars using threads and nails. So we decided to create cactus. It turned into Chester though. Actually, this one is the remake of my very first string art.


pvrellis t1_je95si5 wrote

Congratulations for the amazing work Hlantaart!

There is a conversion about if this artwork was created with the help of a computer.

My guess is that this artwork was created without a computer, but with brain-power only. The pioneer for this type of string-art was Kumi Yamashita, which created stunning projects about a decade ago.

Then in 2016, a computational form of string-art was introduced, where nails are placed around (and not inside) the "painting" area. Only this latter form of string art definitely cannot be created without a computer.

Please notice that Hlantaart places the nails all over the artwork; this type of artwork can be created without a computer. It is similar to using ink on paper.

Keep up your great work Hlantaart!


LordofDescension t1_je990j0 wrote

I remember having to pull my car over to the side of the road when I heard the bad news over the radio. RIP dude.


dolphin37 t1_je9af9n wrote

rip :(

I need something of him on my wall!


stails_art t1_je9amax wrote

RIP 🙏;-;

Also amazing art! ☆~☆


Speedwise85 t1_je9qcqd wrote

This is amazing! Seeing it first thing in the AM and it’s triggered my yawn reflex


smokepanther t1_jeapier wrote

Holy cannoli that is impressive!


Boneal171 t1_jeatdv7 wrote

I can here him singing “Numb” inside my head. It’s still hard to believe that he’s gone


PoppinRobin1129 t1_jeax6sk wrote

I don’t even understand how people do this with strings and get all that detail. This is amazing!


Buckstain t1_jeb4c25 wrote

Wow, i want this piece of art soooo bad!! Amazing


akahaus t1_je6so5b wrote

This is incredible, although as I scrolled absentmindedly, for a split second, I thought it was Ruth Bader Ginsberg screaming.


Rockalot_L t1_je82d3c wrote

This is amazing but it also makes me so u comfortable to look at, anyone else?


Jesta23 t1_je8n7uu wrote

Do you think you would be the most famous artist ever if you were born 2,000 years ago or burned at the stake?


Kailmo t1_je8vvqz wrote

I want to get into string art.


stickmeet t1_je919cv wrote

oh hey its that guy from saw 3d


dgz345 t1_jea1g6l wrote

That's one complex murder case. I'm trying to follow the red line here.


Buttercup-5415 t1_je88wqi wrote

Wait, so did you run his image into that AI program, then recreate what it produced with actually nails and string? Or is this the AI generated image? If it’s the AI generated image it shouldn’t be described as being string art. That’d be pretty misleading.


Hlantaart OP t1_je8nlgi wrote

No, I made it all by myself, no soft was used. It's a real piece


Buttercup-5415 t1_je9tyrv wrote

Gotcha. Thank you for clarifying!! I was reading through your other responses and got confused! Really well done piece!! You’re very talented!


tolacid t1_je77nrh wrote

I don't know who this Chester Bennington is, but this piece also looks an awful lot like the late Gilbert Gottfried

Well done, either way. Very nice piece.

Edit: I've done some research, I've learned about Chester and his wealth of contributions to music in general. Turns out I'm a huge fan without ever knowing who he was. Great performer, and this piece captures him well.

Doesn't make the piece look less like Gilbert Gottfried though. Bring on the downvotes.


Business-Heart6696 t1_je7l8o2 wrote

“Bring on the downvotes”, I say, adjusting my glasses and snickering to myself. (I think I’m cool now because I’m self aware about the score of my comment)


tolacid t1_je7v2xu wrote

Nah. I'm just accepting that people didn't like that I didn't recognize someone they hold in high esteem. I learned, I shared my growth, then I stood my ground because that information didn't change my initial assessment. If anything I think I'm exactly uncool because of all that, and because of this comment explaining it. You know what I'm not, though? Insecure.

Good joke though.


TheQuadraticOccasion t1_je74cra wrote

Just wanted to hop in here and mention that Chester was murdered for trying to whistleblow on a pedophilia ring. He did not commit suicide. Just trying to spread the word. Fantastic artwork.
